Huge Content Rich Websites for Profit
Author: Robert Rogers
Building content rich 1000+ page SEO optimized websites in 2 days.
Here is the bare bone - no hype information and a link to the website I built using these techniques. Basically we are talking about building 1000 pages where each page contains your adsense code and various affiliate links. This article assumes you have a basic knowledge of HTML, Google Adsense, and Affiliate Advertising.
We've all heard the phrases ""Content is King"" and ""If content is King, then relevance is Queen!"". Talk is cheap, so I built a website using all the techniques and tools outlined in this article. Check it out at
Website Building tools:
I used DreamWeaver as my html editor. Any good html editor will work such as Frontpage. Go to and search for ""html editor"". Coffeecup is a very popular free editor. Basically you need a good editor that will update links site wide automatically. Give you reports on broken links, and do search and replace site wide, file specific, and etc... Also very important is a good table building capability.
For the content I pulled articles from various free content sites using Article equalizer at . As long as you adhere to the terms of fair use, you will have access to thousands of targeted content rich articles that you can put in your own website.
Get a simple clipart cd with 150,000 royalty free images from Bestbuy for $20. The web is visual and having a few pictures around really brightens up the page.
You don't have to be an html expert. Just having some basic programming knowlege is enough. For example, understanding head, body, and building tables. Inserting variables and doing global changes. Any good html editor will help with that. You really need to become an expert at building tables. They are fast loading and can really make an impact on a site. If you are into css, even better!
Key techniques for SEO (search engine optimization): Pages that are Keyword Rich and Relevant!
Make a Niche Site: Pick a very specific topic. I chose "Making Money Online with Content Rich Sites" for this example.
Use a simple structure. Index page -> Index of Articles -> individual Article Page. Two levels, easy to manage, easy to spider!
Make your site surfer friendly: No hidden pages, re-directs, pop-ups, spyware, java, or scripts. Just use ".html" files with text links to full text content rich pages which are also easily spidered with useful relevant information for the visitor.
Now start building your basic template for all the pages on your site. How you build your template will greatly depend on what editor and tools you'll be using. When you go to build your 1000+ page site, the editor will replace the title tag with the appropriate text dynamically.
Title Tag and Description Tags and all other meta tags should be relevant and keyword rich.
Page Title - Use relevant keywords on each index page to the articles - Use the article title which will have additional relevant keywords for each article page.
H1 Tags - Keyword rich and relevant ex: ""Make Money Online"", ""Home Based Business""
H2 Tags - Use the article title in the article pages. ex: ""10 Ways To Make Money Online"" or just %ARTICLETITLE% and Article Equalizer will do it for you.
robot.txt file for spiders - just a simple two line file in your root directory User-agent: *
Body text - Use high color contrast between the text and the background so the search engine doesn't think your trying to hide anything and penalize you. Plus it's just plain easier to read. Use arial or verdana font.
URLs, File Names, and Directories - use the article title ex: our-affiliate-sales.html. Article Equalize will automatically do this.
Inbound links: Set up link partners. If you can, have them place the link to your site using a keyword instead of the domain name itself. ex: Make Money Online Click Here.
Outbound links: Do the same for your link partners. Set up links using text that is relevant to their topic which should be relevant to your site but not competing if possible. If you sell computers, link to a company that sells computer desks.
Make same site links with relevant text. ex: ""make money at home"" will link to a page within your own site.
Make Image alt text use primary keywords. ex: ""money online"" When you go to my site, you'll see text when your mouse moves over the simple clipart. Also, name your clipart files using keywords.
Add HTML comment tags that use primary keywords. These are not seen buy the surfer, but can be seen by search engine spiders. No one has proven this helps, but it doesn't hurt!
Now add money making adsense and affiliate links into your template. Put them top center between the article title and article content. Adjust the colors so that it blends in with your web page content.
Google adsense will pick up the page title, h1 and h2 tags to target the ad. When someone clicks on it, you get paid!.
Once you have these basic things set up in your template, you need to use a powerful tool called Article Equalizer. With a little practice, you'll be able to build 1000+ page websites in just a day or two. Actually, all the pages are built in just a few minutes. It is just as easy to build 10,000 pages! The link to Article Equalizer
Another important thing you can do: Add dynamic RSS content by keyword. I'll follow up on this in my next article. I'm still reviewing different softwares but have narrowed it down to two.
Sincerely - Robert Rogers
About the author: Robert Rogers is a writer in the Washington DC area and specializes in money making online. Visit his website at
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