Tuesday, February 21, 2006

On a Budget? 3 Ways to Drive Traffic Quickly and Cheaply

Author: Rosalind Gardner

On a Budget? 3 Ways to Drive Traffic Quickly and Cheaply

© Copyright Rosalind Gardner, All Rights Reserved.

After working long and hard to get your new web site up and running, you probably have little patience left to wait months and months to start getting traffic to your site and start making sales!

But those search engine submissions are taking a lot of time to bring in traffic. You've also discovered that joining web rings, link trading, and posting free-for-all classifieds are time-consuming activities that produce just a trickle of traffic, IF you're lucky.

Moreover, you don't want to blow huge amounts of money on advertising just in case your site doesn't convert visitors into buyers at a rate that nets a fair profit.

You want lots of traffic, you want it cheap, and you want it now! So, what do you do?

Well, there are 3 ways to get traffic to your site quickly, even on a budget.

Write Articles - You wrote all those product endorsements for your site, and articles aren't much different, or any more difficult to write. If your site is about beer, and promotes a variety of products related to home brewing, write an article called ""10 Secrets to Your Best Batch Ever"". Include a resource box below your article that gives your name, a brief description of your site and its URL. (Use my resource box at the end of this article as an example.) Your next step is to go to Charlie Page's 'Directory of Ezines' and buy an annual membership. Review the list of ezines in the Food/Wine category, and submit your article to each one that accepts articles. Some newsletters may have a circulation of just a few hundred, but others will have a few hundred THOUSAND subscribers.

Ezine Advertising - Your DOE (Directory of Ezines) membership will also help you locate ezines in which to advertise your site. The beauty of this type of advertising is that it is generally low-cost, sometimes as little as $8 per issue for 6 lines at 65 characters per line. But the best part is that you are putting your message in front of a highly targetted audience. There's no point in trying to sell home brew kits to tea-totallers, now is there? http://nptinfo.com/doe

Pay Per Click Search Engines - The fastest way to get traffic to your site is to buy keywords and keyword phrases at PPC's (pay per click search engines) such as Overture, Google and FindWhat. Google is definitely the fastest PPC account to set up. Simply write your title and description, choose your keywords, make a deposit and you're up and running. Set a daily maximum budget, and check your income and expenses frequently until you ensure that the former consistently exceeds the latter. You will know within the week how well your site will convert visitors to buyers, which beats the heck out of waiting months for feedback!

For as little as a one or two hundred bucks, you can drive tons of highly targeted traffic to your site in a very short period of time . Calculate your conversion, 'tweak' your site, then re-invest your earnings to drive even more traffic and gain even more sales.

Stick with the plan, and in no time at all, you'll get to sit back and enjoy one of those home brews while watching your sales numbers climb.

© Copyright Rosalind Gardner, All Rights Reserved.

Article by Rosalind Gardner, author of the best-selling ""Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online"". To learn how you too can suceed in Internet and affiliate marketing, go to:


About the author: Rosalind Gardner is one of the top affiliate marketers in the world.In January 1997, Rosalind Gardner received her first 'web check' and hasn't looked back since. Trading her career as an air traffic controller for full-time netpreneurship in early 2000, her various internet projects now entertain and inform millions of visitors annually. She offers this article with YOU in mind, knowing that if she can earn a good living online, YOU can too.


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