Does Website Content Matter?
Author: Daniel Katz
From smart SEO strategies to paid results campaigns, from press releases to targeted emails; everything is valid to increase your exposure and boost your business, however the Full of Aces in this game is called Content.
Many tactics, great products and state-of-the-art technologies can be applied in order to gain traffic and therefore improve your leads generation and sales, but none of the methods can be successfully accomplished if there is not relevant content into your web site.
Content gives body and soul to your site, and there is no other way that Search Engines can understand what your site is for, or how to categorize it and place in a suitable position into your niche market. On the other hand it's true that we can read texts inserted into images, but why should we do that? Sometimes titles or headings need to have a special design or look-n-feel, but even in those cases there are techniques to add meta-text to those images for a satisfactory search engine crawling.
Each search engine gives content a special weight into their formula as there are other parameters that are involved into their algorithms, as link popularity and web site structure for instance, but again: everything is about content: quality links are text based; web structure must have readable content and even pay per click campaigns are created with rich content characteristics!
There is no doubt: it's natural that it happens this way as we humans communicate through content in one or other way, and the richest our content's quality is, the better we will be understood by our friends and niche market audience as well.
Doesn't matter which new methodologies will be developed into the Web Marketing world, textual content will be always leading the list of search engine optimization priorities.
About the author: Daniel Katz is the Business Development Manager at
Compucall Web Marketing Ltd ., experts in International Search Engine Optimization.
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