Friday, May 05, 2006

Blogging for customers

Author: Sid John

Blogs are a great way to keep in touch with your customers. Why? No spam filters. Blogs are proactive tools and not reactive like an email. If people want to know what’s going on, they must log on to your blog and find out on their own. This is great news because you don’t have to deal with the spam filters that and bulk mail options.

Like most people I also have my bulk folder setup to catch newsletter and other types of bulk mail. Then there is the problem with company email addresses. As viruses and spam have taken over the email space, many corporations are severely restricting the types of correspondence that will flow through their servers.

When you have a blog, people can log on while they’re at work and still get their daily dose of whatever marketing tip or advice you have to offer.

RSS on the desktop

Site visitors might also be able to get away with a desktop reader even if they are now allowed to use other applications while they are at work or at home. The readers are safe, clean and efficient.

If you have a single website or a network or sites, you can create a commercial feed, add affiliate links and even send out special announcements and updates without worrying about bounce backs and getting unfairly tagged as a spammer.

There are free blogging services all over the web. Don’t miss out on this powerful marketing tool. Get a blog for your website right now at Blogger.

About the author: This article may be freely distributed as long as there is an active link back to


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