The Art of the Keyword
Author: John Cal
This topic is so important that I am writing this entire arcticle for the subject. This is a easy to understand, basic concept around keywords. Well, I have to be honest. I've mislead you. It's not keywords. The art of keywods is actually to use key phrases.
What do you mean, key phrases? Let's say that you have a website about computers. So what is your keyword? Obviously computers, right? Here's a small exercise for you to do. Go to Google . Once there, type in the word computers. Ok, from the results, do you see how many websites were returned with the word computers? 448,000,000!!!! Ouch. What are the chances of you getting the the first page. Forget the first page, what are the chances of you making the millionth page? See my point?
Alright, now put in the key phrase, ""my super computers."" See the results. 40,000,000. Ahhhh. Now I ask the same previous question. What are the chances of you getting to the first page. What about the 2nd or 3rd? Much better chances. See when you use key phrases versus keywords, you better your odds of winning in the search engines. Why battle against all that competition?
Doesn't mean you do not have to, but I recommend that you mix it up. I would go after some main key phrases and maybe one or two target keywords. I gurantee that you will hit the top 10 (if done correctly) for your key phrases faster than the keywords.
Here are some tools that can help you better target your key phrases to know how the competition is. I've used these personally and they work well. Some are free services, others you have to pay. The best one that I prefer is Nichebot, but I will list the others for you to choose which will work best for you.
1. Wordtracker - Pay service
Overture - Free
3. Nichebot - Free
Use the tools to check the competitiveness of the keyword you want to target. Try to focus on ones that are searched a decent amount of time with the least competition as possible. Don't worry if your keyword doesn't have a extreme amount of searches. A number 10 position with a somewhat competitive keyword can generate a few hundred hits a day on one of the Top 3 search engines.
Once you have your target keywords (phrases), spread them throughout your website. These are the keywords that you will use to top of the SE's. Insert them in a user readable Title andMeta Description. Bold and italicize them once or twice in the body. Fully optimize your site for those target keywords. Don't forget to use them in your anchor text for backlinks. Not sure what I am talking about? Read my other article on seo ""SEO Basic's for the Dummy"" to learn more around search engine optimization.
Want more on keywords and seo optimization, you can download a free ebook at Online Shopping Digital Products & Ebooks website. Just click on the Free SEO book on the top right. It's available for download with no strings or obligations.
John C
Adult Entertainment
Online Shopping Digital Products & Ebooks
About the author: SEO Expert
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