Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Basic SEO For Your Wisconsin Site - Part 1

Author: Johnny Smith

What many people in Wisconsin don't know is that in order to get a top ranking site in Wisconsin, you will have to build your site around a small and focused niche.

However, you most likely are in a good situation, because very few people have worked to make improvements to their sites in Wisconsin and that will make you even more likely to get a top ranking site in Wisconsin.

Maybe it will be a top site about your current business or it will be a high ranking site about your hobby or passion.

Just do the work and the choice will be yours. There is no guaranteed rankings though, but here are a few tips to help you along the way.

First, the search engines like sites that are designed around and optimized around a small niche.

For example:

If your business is green widgets, your site and articles should only be about green widgets and closely related topics, such as maybe blue widgets.

You will also need to know what Wisconsin related keywords are the most profitable. With search engines you can never get a guaranteed top or high search engine ranking, but you will be more likely to be ranked high if you improve your position by targeting the top keywords.

Second, you should only design your optimization around one keyword per web page on your site. You also need to build lots and lots of pages, because then you are more likely to be found by the search engines.

For example:

A page about blue widgets will not be found in the top search engines when somebody searches for green widgets. But if you have one Wisconsin page about blue widgets and one Wisconsin page about green widgets, you can be ranked high for both of your keyword phrases.

Identify the best keywords, build many pages and you will see that you can get a top ranking site in Wisconsin. Keep in mind though, that keywords with few searches per day and little competition often are the ones that will get you the most traffic in the long run.

About the author: Johnny is an author who thinks Wisconsin is the best place on earth. He also writes about ice hockey equipment and the NHL .


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