Monday, October 23, 2006

Link Exchange - Explained!

Author: Manish Kumar Pandey

Link Exchange is a very important aspect of SEO and a vital source of getting targeted traffic. Let us first see what actually Link Exchange refers to. Link Exchange refers to swapping of Links with another Webmaster! You put his (other webmaster's) site's Link at your web site and in return he puts a Link back to your site from his web site and at that point we say the Links have been exchanged!

How to get our Link Exchanged?

This is a nice question though quite simple to answer! What you do is just search for sites of your keywords! These are the sites to which you are competing! You would see a large number of sites coming up! You don't have to Exchange Links with all of them. Just contact a few 10-20 site's webmaster per day, and do this very politely to have a Link Exchange. I am showing how I used to do in my early days!

Dear Webmaster,

This is ""YOUR NAME"" webmaster of http://YOURsite/ I visited your website and felt that your site and my site's content could benefit our visitors. My site has very high quality content that is updated quite frequently and hence could be very useful.

I have put a Link of your site at http://theURLwhereYOUplaceTHEIRsite with the details as obtained from your site!

In exchange I request you to put a Link back to my site with following details

//Give the details here as follows...




//and always include html of your Link Back details also. By this way you are helping the webmaster to save his time!

*Note: A very important thing is your Title, that is also called anchor text! That is what the search engine robots see to know that this is the ""THEME"" that this site is based on! So choose this Title very carefully. We keep our 'primary keyword' there and you could also do this!

Please give at least 7-10 days to the webmasters to put a Link Back to your site! As you see those TOP guys have a loads of work to do... just think!

Now a days, you may see various Link Exchange Software. These are very good solutions for Exchanging Links quickly and easily. Just fill in the form and you are done!

Now another great way is to join a Link Exchange programs arranged by various sites. They care for every thing from Step one, introducing the webmaster to check the links and then finalizing the Link Exchange.

Few good Link Exchange programs are These are the three programs that I personally use and would highly recommend to you all.

Now I talked about targeted traffic at the beginning... So where is my targeted traffic? They are right there! You remember whom you emailed and exchanged links with? With your competitors! Suppose you exchanged links with 1000 sites and even if they send 1 visitor to your site then... just analyze for a minute! Thousands of targeted traffic towards your site!

Now do you remember I talked about anchor text! Search engines just look for the anchor texts and rank accordingly! The more place you find to place your anchor text the higher ranking in the search engines you get! And we already know that 85-90% of traffic comes from search engines and they are targeted... what could be more targeted than somebody typing the thing you offered!

That's the reason Link Exchange is very important. So when you do Link Exchange campaign just remember the above information and you would do quite well!

About the author: Manish Kumar Pandey is an Engineering student, webmaster of website on online home based business opportunity

small, internet home based business opportunity and a quick trainer. He has helped many people to enhance the looks and run a successful site!


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