Thursday, October 26, 2006

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Google Rewards for bad behavior.

Author: James Briggs

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Google Rewards for its bad behavior., a web-site made famous for its promotion for ""cruelty"" to animals, is ranked a PR 6 site by google's algorithm. PR (Page Rank) is the ranking given to sites on the internet based on their importance (Ranked from 0 to 10) and with a higher page rank you can get more visitors coming to your site. has about 38 pages in google all with a PR of 5 or above. Why is that so important? People are willing to pay at least $30 bucks for a small link on each page on the text link market. Why? The search engines will read those text links on and give their page a higher rank in the search engines even if their site isn't related to killing bunny rabbits. All they have to do is add a small description next to the link with their keywords in it.

To make a long story short, with 38 pages you can fit 10 links on each page for a discount price of $20 each. This means that the site can easily generate $7,000 per month after 6 months of finding partners. So Google says that is worth $7,000 a month and more than $80,000 a year because it is a PR 6 site.

Who would buy links from Anyone interested in making money on the internet via Keyword phrases like ""Adware Removal"" or anything else.

This and other weird sites have caused a buzz in the SEO industry. If you have a crazy site that will get you a lot of attention then it will be easy for you to get Page Rank from Google and other search engines based on link popularity. Why make a legit site when you can make money selling wadded up pieces of paper? ( Now you can make a site that will be worth $7,000 a month by simply making it a buzz worthy train wreck.

So how did get so popular? TV! Even a small mention on National Tv (CNN, Fox News etc.) is enough to sky rocket your site into a higher Page Rank. The site probably got more than 50,000 hits just from a 2 minute story on CNN.

About the author: Just the Average Joe public guy who knows a little about a lot.

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