Thursday, November 09, 2006

SEO Tips for Google

Author: James Mahony

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with SEO.

Google is still the most popular search engine out there, and they're not showing any signs of slowing down. It's important to know how to get on the right track with your SEO for Google. It is also important, however, to remember that Google is not the only search engine out there and that Yahoo! is also a highly rated search engine which actually has more pop culture usage.

Before you can truly understand Google you must understand a little bit of the history behind Google. In the beginning, Google was considered by many to be the ""Geek's Search Engine."" This changed as Google started delivering better and better results. Google slowly evolved into the most trusted search engine around, but Yahoo!'s advertising strength and popular usage has still claimed a large number of users. It wasn't all that long ago when Yahoo! was the most popular search engine by far.

Google's search engine is based on PageRank, a complex algorithm that was revolutionary when it was invented. This page rank is the primary reason that Google is so popular. The Page Ranking technology that Google has created and the evolutionary steps that Google has taken to increase the strength of its algorithm has made it a search engine giant which actually sets out to protect internet users from fraudulent web sites. Google has come to be a search engine that cannot really be tricked. It's kind of the integrity police f the world wide web. Basically, Google checks the number of links to each site in its database, and treats them as 'votes'. Here are some tips on getting ranked high on Google:

1.The more incoming links you have, the better your chances are. Good links are ones that are relevant to your own page and link with text that makes it obvious that they intended to link to your site. Google has also recently integrated a new piece into its algorithm which makes old links better than new links. In Google's opinion, if a link withstands the test of time it is has to be relevant or else both parties would have removed the link after not seeing any positive action by Google. Basically, this is another one of Google's ""keeper of integrity"" options that have become so famous among SEOs.

2. Links from 'authority' sites, such as directories or non-profit organizations, tend to produce better results than links from commercial sites. Google likes to decide what sites are important. A site has some huge credential for being a spectacular source for quality information will be appreciated more than sites that don't have such strong affiliations with quality work and content. This will result in stronger, more heavily weighted links to and from this site.

3. Site elements to consider for Google are the title (including the strongest keyword phrase), the meta description (Google displays this to its users) and the body text (it needs to be highly-focused and use keywords well), as well as your onsite navigation.

4. Make sure that Google can spider the whole site easily. You'll probably want to have plain links to every page on your site at the bottom of each of your pages.

Don't forget, though, that Google is strict about 'cheaters' who use unethical SEO techniques. Here are some things that Google hates:

1. Getting lots of 'shadow domains' that all point to one site. 

Now that we've covered those aspects of SEO, let's turn to some of the other factors that need to be considered.

2. Using doorway pages.

3. Using falsified WHOIS information.

4. Sites that are ""fake"" search engines or spyware.

Google Facts and Fiction.

Google has an article on its site called 'Google Facts and Fiction'. For example:

Fiction: Advertising on Google affects my rankings in the search results.

Fact: Advertising with Google neither helps (nor hurts!) a site's rankings on Google.

Fiction: Sites that are not HTML are not included in Google's index

Fact: Google is and does index as many file formats as possible, however there are some that it cannot index. File types Google is able index include: pdf, asp, jsp, hdml, shtml, xml, cfm, doc, xls, ppt, rtf, wks, lwp, wri, swf.

Everyone who wants to optimize for Google should make sure they read this article, to avoid common mistakes. 

Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what's important about SEO.

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About the author: James Mahony is the founder of Search Engine Optimization Tips - A site dedicated to Search Engine Optimization

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