Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Search Engine Optimization and Other Scary Things

Author: Francisco Aloy

by Francisco Aloy

Being a relative newcomer to the Web I decided to foray into Search Engine Optimization to gain first hand experience and any insights I could. My assumption was that it would have a basis built on rational thinking and logical facts.

I pre-supposed a certain degree of agreement and transparency from many of the established sources and opinion makers. My starting viewpoint supported by my association of Search Engine Optimization and the Web as natural extensions of common sense, logical thinking.

In hindsight, I must confess I'm not more knowledgeable about the subject than when I first started. I found very few opinions and practices based on fact. What I did find - and it came as an unexpected revelation - was general confusion and disagreement.

I found secret potion SEO, lurking-in-the-shadows SEO, ignorance as dogma SEO, Voodoo SEO, witch doctor SEO, magical chicken bones SEO, the 10 blind men and the elephant SEO, fancy and hearsay as SEO! In the minority, I found but a handful of opinions based on cold hard facts and logic. How in the world can Search Engine Optimization mean all those things?

OK, perhaps I did overdo the above paragraph, but the point I'm making is this: With the infinite number of opinions, incorrect assumptions and dead wrong practices; how do you know what to believe? Imagine you're a small business looking for SE optimization; how would you go about it?

The Search Engines, of course, won't reveal more than general guidelines for optimization; other than that, they don't say much. I realize they do things in that manner because they can't explain much about their inner workings. If folks had the skinny on the formulas and algorithms, nothing short of SE pandemonium would ensue.

I'm sure you've seen the ads that guarantee a dominant position for your choice of keywords. How can that be so? I think some keyword phrases are so competitive, very few have the resources it would take to acquire dominance. The cost of many of the keywords and phrases are completely out of reach for most small home based businesses.

Furthermore, I'm sure you've heard about websites getting banned after hiring a SEO expert. I had this experience:

I remember reading about a well known SEO business and I wrote them an email inquiring about why they didn't appear in the search results dealing with their subject matter: search engine optimization or search engine ranking. I received a short and cryptic reply that didn't say much.

As time went by, I came onto an article that stated the particular SEO outfit had been banned by the SE's during that time frame. That explains the nature of the return email; meaning: I don't want to talk about it!

The paragraph above implies that if they'll do it to their own website, they'll do it to yours! Look before you leap should more than suffice as the motto for your business decision.

I think SEO experts that are on the level won't guarantee you dominance for ANY keyword phrase. Think about your competition and see if it's feasible. For example, would you have the resources to dominate for the word ""business?"" I did a search on Google and came up with 695,000,000 results!

Before you make a decision and commit time and money, check out any offer. Phone past customers and ask them about their experiences; would they hire the same expert again? Ask for quantifiable results and look for a positive track record; I imagine SEO experts are not a dime a dozen. Investigate and get answers to all your questions before you put money on the table.

(C)2005 Francisco Aloy

About the author: Francisco Aloy is the Editor of The Newbie Business Guide. Constructive and clear information to start your Internet Business. For more articles by Mr. Aloy, visit:


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