Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How to be the SEO King (and make a lot of money)?

Author: Marek Stacho

Do you want to be a SEO King? What is it the ""SEO""? Ok, it is time to describe it a little bit. SEO means ,,search engine optimization"". Search engine optimization is a set of methods aimed at improving the ranking of a website in search engine listings.

Ok, and what does it have common with money? It's very, very easy. The better SEO your website has, the more traffic you can have. Consider this: there are two sites. The first is SEO optimized, the second is not. Random internet user searches some words in Google search. And now the question is: which of the two pages is he going to visit. Clear answer - the one with better SEO, because it is listed at the first position so it seems that information on this page must be more relevant (but in real the situation is different).

And now think about increased traffic to your site. Do you use google adsense? I hope you do. And believe me, the more visitors, the more click, the more money for you. We can say the better SEO, the more money (direct proportion).

Now I'd like to talk about how to improve your SEO. There are some basic things you should follow: keyword within the title tag, keyword in domain name, URL directories and file names including your keywords, HTML tags: headings, bold and emphasized text including the same keywords, keyword density in your text - one keyword should appear in the firs paragraph, keyword proximity and alt attributes for images including your keywords.

Let's talk about some example. You want to have the most visited website about fruit (or whatever). You should place the word ""fruit"" everywhere. Your domain should be www.fruit-something.com, the title should be Fruit , in meta description should be word fruit, the same word in the text of your page. At least three times, once in the first paragraph. You should use tags and place some Fruits onto your page. And remember, the rest of the text must have something to it. Nothing irrelevant, OK? That all is truth. But to be the real SEO king, we must go further. The following, though, are some of the considerations search engines could be building into their algorithms: Age of site (it looks like the new ones have better ranking), length of time domain has been registered (older have better ranking), age of content (who knows?) regularity with which new content is added (add content every day), age of link and reputation of linking site (never link to bad sites), standard on-site factors, negative scoring for on-site factors (for example, a dampening for sites with extensive keyword meta tags indicative of having being SEO-ed), uniqueness of content (do not copy, write something new), related terms used in content (the terms the search engine associates as being related to the main content of the page), external links, the anchor text in those external links and in the sites/pages containing those links (the best is when some very good sites with good ranking link to you), quality of HTML coding, presence of coding errors (yeah dude, make it valid), unsafe or illegal content (don't make porn or other webs with this stuff - it is considered unsafe) and broken outgoing links are also not good. It is a lot of things, but remember it and what more: UTILIZE IT.

As a result, SEO practices that improve web site quality are likely to outlive short term practices that simply seek to manipulate search rankings. The top SEOs recommend targeting the same thing that search engines seek to promote: relevant, useful content for their users. Means of improving web site quality include: 1. Clean, fast loading websites, that are content rich, and frequently (google robot will come more often) updated. 2. Websites that follow the web's simpler conventions (short and descriptive titles, easy navigation, no disabling of browser buttons, no keyword stuffing or other blatant SEO work). 3. Natural-looking link building: a few links from directories, very minimal reciprocal or three-way linking, no apparent buying or selling of links, no attempted PR manipulation (buying/selling/hogging), no outward links to less reputable sites. 4. No auto-generated nonsense content and no machine translated content, but original, useful material. 5. No technical errors, no duplicate pages, a valid robots.txt, a sitemap, and custom error pages. 6. When optimizing a site, it seems like Google is on the top of everyone's mind, but there are niche search engines that add very targeted and useful traffic to make a site's job postings much more effective.

After considering all these facts, you are ready to increase your adsense revenues in an instant. Look at your site and ask yourself: does my site meet all the requirements of well optimized page? If not, repair it. Every detail is important. Only the best webmaster can be the SEO king and earn the most money so be thoroughgoing.

About the author: Marek Stacho is a full time student of the University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic. His main specialization is Business and Law. He is also interested in web commerce, you can visit his blog 2010 - Future Is Nearly Here . During last year he studies trade negotiating skills and business behavior.


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