Saturday, May 31, 2008

Google Bombing or Legitimate SEO?

Author: Mike Banks Valentine

Today I visited the WebProWorld forums and stumbled across a topic ""New Google Bombing Technique"" and was startled to see that the topic had been viewed over 22,000 times! It is by far the most active of the forums in the ""Search Engine Insider Reports"" section.

This article is simply my response to that discussion thread and I hope it helps cool off the heat being generated there.

Google Bombing Discussion

The general gist of the conversation suggests that appending a question mark ? or a pound sign # followed by a keyword phrase, to the end of an embedded link in a web site could lead to ranking a site at the top for that search phrase. An example is given of top rank for a particular phrase, then immediately forum members post their own URL's in the discussion replies, using the technique to link back to their own sites with their own targeted search terms in an attempt to gain advantage with the technique, many times with odd or obscure terms. This ""new"" so-called ""#Google-Bombing"" technique is simply a routine SEO strategy that has been used for years by pros. When we optimize a site for a client, we include keywords wherever possible within the visible page text. The top priority is ALWAYS page text and title tags. From there on, ALL uses of additional techniques are only incremental in value and don't dramatically affect ranking for targeted keyword phrases.

I demonstrate the ease of ranking for obscure terms on a page where I discuss the foolishness of SEO guarantees by including the phrase, ""screeching camels"" one time on the page in visible text. Screeching Camels There are no keyword or description metatags on that page, yet it ranks number one at Google when you search for ""Screeching Camels"". That is not Google bombing. A one-time use of a keyword phrase on a page got this number one ranking for that phrase simply because it is an absurdly rare phrase. Use of irrelevant and misleading keyword phrase stuffing in keyword

period used in examples to allow display without embedding links in HTML email) and in ridiculous ""invisible text"" (using text the same color as the background) got abusive and so the search engines began to penalize those who did those things. They will always attempt to ban the obsessive cheaters and keyword stuffing liars.

The ? and # technique has always been used legitimately for ?tracking-referrers, calling ?search-terms and #jump-links to take you to a named anchor within a page. Now obsessive webmasters are attempting to use the technique to increase their own search engine rankings. Sometimes when I link OUT to a site, I append ?WebSite101 to the tail end of the URL simply to let them know where the visitor came from (referrer) when they view their logs or use a traffic analysis or tracking service.

The ? technique for tracking traffic is even recommended by Pay-Per-Click engines which give instructions to advertisers using the technique to track clickthroughs from PPC ads. Appending ""?overture-keyword"" to the end of PPC destination URL's makes that visior who clicked your ads show up in your log files and allows you to know the phrase that delivered that visitor and that the visitor originated from Overture. SEO's have always used # and ? to advantage in an incremental fashion to optimize client sites. The jump links to named anchors is routinely used by SEO's by placing keywords in the #named-anchor links.

This works particularly well on long FAQ pages and on glossary of terms pages. Instead of doing what most do and using Keyword Phrase instead we use Keyword-Phrase . Of course you'll need to use it again in the anchor tag at Again, just an incremental tidbit to increase the use of the keyword phrase by a slight margin THROUGHOUT the site in that same incremental fashion, without being excessive. The same is done with image filenames second level directory names /keyword-phrase/keyword.html, page filenames, and embedding links in visble page text keyword phrases Keyword Phrase rather than the worthless Click Here

Every once in a while someone re-discovers these incrementally valuable techniques and attempts to abuse them a la ""Google Bombing"" (as discussed in the WebProWorld forum) and they get abused obscenely by overly agressive folks that risk being banned in order to gain short term advantage for their own sites.

This leads the search engines to downgrade or penalize those who abuse the techniques. SEO is not made up of a single technique used to compulsive levels. Wholistic SEO is using many techniques moderately for incremental gains. When you get obsessive about any one technique it leads to trouble.

Stay out of trouble – please!

About the author: Mike Banks Valentine is SEO for Mesothelioma Attorney Referral Service Contact Mike Improve your site Free Tutorials

Friday, May 30, 2008

Google, Wherefore Art Thou Google? Sites Abandoned by Googlebot!

Author: Mike Banks Valentine

Google, Wherefore Art Thou Google? Sites Abandoned by Googlebot!

? August 30, 2004

As a search engine optimization specialist I often optimize existing web pages for small business clients, upload them to the site and see pages re-indexed by Google within a week. This only happens with existing business sites that have been online for a few years. Google seems to be updating their index as often as every other week at this point and older established sites that are already indexed seem to be re- crawled on that twice a month schedule on a fairly routine basis.

Two clients that hired me for recent work saw their rankings shoot to the top for a newly targeted search phrase in a weekend when I did optimization on a Thursday and they were ranked instantly by Saturday. Now keep in mind that this doesn't happen for everyone, only those that have been online for some period and already have significant content that simply needs tweaking and proper title and metatag information added. They usually have relatively good existing PageRank and do well for other RELEVANT search phrases already. I offer that warning only to avoid instilling false hopes in anyone hoping to achieve the same instant ranking boost overnight.

Those clients that do succeed in this way are often thrilled with the results accomplished in such short order. I'd love to be able to offer that type of ranking boosts to everyone, but some are more equal than others when it comes to easy, inexpensive SEO tune-ups that rev up your rankings overnight. Your mileage may vary.


What is going on with newer sites that don't get crawled for months? I've got a client, a newer attorney directory that offers tons of great information in the form of articles on specific areas of law, links to incredibly valuable and relevant legal sites and over 600,000 attorneys listed by practice area and state. Yet the site has not been re-crawled by Google for over 3 months! Now this would not be such a big issue for many sites, but this site is relatively new and we've optimized all the titles, tags & page text, created a complete site map and placed links to all these resources on the front page.

I know that the site is not being crawled because Google's cached copy of the front page shows it before we did the work four months ago, without the new links and without title tags. We've submitted the site by hand, (manually) once a month for three months via the Google Add URL page. When the hand submission failed to get it re-indexed for four months, we submitted the sitemap page, which has not been crawled at all. Google shows only ONE page on this site, when in fact it has thousands of pages, a sitemap and dozens static pages!

Part of the problem is that this site must be dynamic, since a database of over 632,000 attorneys must be accessed, retrieved and served for any of those law firms searched for to be returned to the site visitor. Google warns owners of dynamic sites that Googlebot may not crawl dynamically generated pages with ""?"""" question marks in the URL. This is to avoid crashing the server with too many concurrent page requests from Google's spider.

The solution to this dynamic URL problem has been discussed widely in search engine forums and solutions have been bandied about including software provided by SEO's, URL re-write techniques for dynamic pages on APACHE servers and PHP pages to generate search engine friendly URL's. Others recommend simply adding static HTML sitemap pages as alternatives for the search engine spiders.

In this instance the client's developer simply said ""I can't do that (PHP solution) on this server"". So we resorted to putting up the static HTML sitemap pages with hard-coded URLS to the main 54 pages of the site at This should get at least those fifty pages crawled by Googlebot, but Googles' spider appears not to be crawling this site at all.

How do we know this? See for yourself by using the following query in the search box at Google: where the result page shows ONE page in the results. If you try that query on your own site (replace your own domain name for, you'll see the results lists ALL your pages.

The site home page was crawled by Google four months ago, when they took their ""Cached Snapshot"" of the page. You can see this by visiting the Google cached page here: TF-8& where the date of this snapshot is ""Apr 20, 2004 07:42:19 GMT"" and they haven't been back since. The page in that snapshot has none of the newly added links, an outdated title tag, and old content.

This problem is not unique to this site. One client we worked with two years ago had a dynamically generated, framed site! Those two site structures have always given search engines trouble. Their site was not crawled at all and only the front page showed up. Our solution was to create a second domain (owned by the client), which had static HTML pages that precisely mirrored the content of the client's framed, dynamically generated site. Guess what happened after Googlebot crawled the static site? Google indexed the framed site in full and then banned the static site from the index!

Not an approach we advocate, but the one that worked for this client.

We're still searching for ways to get Googlebot back to before creating that new static site, but decided to share this odd experience with the SEO community before going to any extremes. Google provides over 70% of most search engine referred traffic to ALL of our clients and we realized we can't site idly by and see a major client languish because Googlebot didn't like what it found at the client site on the first visit four months ago.

This issue dogs newer sites in other places as well. The Open Directory Project has also become notoriously slow in adding new sites to the directory and in this case, has not picked up this site even after 6 regular monthly submissions. The web playing field may have begun tilting toward older, established sites and away from new ones.

About the author: ------------------------------------------------------------ Mike Banks Valentine is the SEO for Contact him at Improve Your Small Business Online at our Ecommerce Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, May 29, 2008

13 Tips For Good Search Engine Placements


When used properly in combination with other basic search engine tactics, these tips can help to dramatically improve your placement with the search engines and increase the traffic to your web site.

1. USE KEYWORD FILE NAMES: By naming your html file relevant to your keywords, you can gain a slight advantage. This is a relatively minor aid so don't go overboard with it.

2. AVOID USING ROBOTIC SUBMISSIONS TO THE TOP SEARCH ENGINES: When submitting your web page to one of the top 8 search engines, try to post your page manually rather than using any automated software or sites that post for you to get into the prime search engines. Many people believe that over 70% of your hits will come from Google and Yahoo! It's probably worth spending a considerable amount of time trying to get a good ranking from theses search engines. (Actually Yahoo is more like a directory than a search engine and requires that you read their help pages about their listing method)

3. BE SURE TO USE YOUR KEYWORDS IN YOUR PAGE TITLE: Many search engines will look to see what words you have used in your page title tag. It is VERY important that you include the keywords you want to be found under in this title tag.

4. GET YOUR PAGE LINKED FROM OTHER SITES: Some search engines will increase your relevancy if your site is linked to from other sites. Try to establish as many links as possible from other locations before you submit your web page for placement.

5. AVOID USING JAVA AND FRAMES IN YOUR PAGES: Search engine robots have a difficult time with pages containing Java and frames (not the Java Script tip below which is ignored by search engines). In order to establish a high relevancy and therefore a high rank do not use these methods in the pages you submit to the search engines.

6. THE FIRST 250 WORDS OF TEXT: Search engine robots scrutinize the first 250 word of text in your page for relevancy and keyword count. You must use your keywords in the appropriate proportions in this part of your page. Some say a 10% - 40% keyword count in this section of text is ideal. ALWAYS start this text with the page title you used in the title tag. Avoid keyword repetition (i.e. repeating keywords one after the other).

7. DO NOT USE THE META REFRESH COMMAND: This command is used to automatically transfer a page to another without requiring reader input.

8. DO NOT USE TEXT THAT IS THE SAME COLOR AS THE BACKGROUND: Search engines look for text that is the same color as the background which is being used to increase the keyword count without the reader seeing the text. This has become a definite no no and you may be penalized for such tactics.

9. USE LINKS CONTAINING KEYWORDS: One way to increase a keyword count is to use a series of working or non-working links containing a description and link that incorporate your keywords. This also has the advantage of providing links to other web sites from your page which the search engines also look for.

10. USE THE IMAGE ALT TAG TO INCREASE YOUR KEYWORD COUNT: Every image allows you to include a text description of that image in the alt tag. Use these tags to incorporate keywords or phrases to increase your keyword count. Search engines do consider alt tags in their relevancy rankings.

11. USE KEYWORDS IN PLURAL: Try to use your keywords in the plural form. Such as, CLOCKS instead of CLOCK. A user search on the keyword CLOCK will find both CLOCK and CLOCKS but a user search for CLOCKS will usually not turn up pages using the keyword CLOCK in singular form.

12. KEEP META TAG DESCRIPTION TO 25 WORDS OR LESS: Most search engines will truncate your description if it is too long deleting possible key points you are trying to convey. Keep your meta description to 25 words or less to avoid having posted an incomplete message to readers.

13. KEEP META TAG KEYWORD LISTS UNDER 1000 CHARACTERS: Keep your meta tag keyword list to under 1000 characters. Anything more and you may have your relevancy rank penalized by search engines. Additionally, do not repeat any one keyword in the keyword meta tag more than three times.

Learn more at

About the author: More free tips at

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Personalized Search Versus Personal Choice

Author: Kevin Kantola

Personalized search is a hot topic especially since Yahoo! and Microsoft have announced they are aggressively developing this service. Most likely, people will be leery of personalized search if they think that this is just be another way for companies to market to them. Search engine research has shown that there are typically two types of searchers: information seekers and buyers.

Information Seekers

If personalized search is to work for the information seekers, then instead of lots of targeted marketing, the personalized search experience had better offer targeted information that the person can use. A better information search experience without having to bypass a slew of commercial sites would appeal to the information seeker.


What if you already have the information you need or don't want any information, but just want to make an online purchase? For buyers, information-only sites are something to be by-passed in the SERP's. If personalized search can deliver the products and services the buyer wants, and not just what the marketers want to push before them, then buyers may find some value in personalized search.

Personal Choice

Personalized search must involve personal choice if it is to succeed. The Big Brother and privacy issues need to be held to a minimum. Personalized search needs to be an option that can easily be turned on and off as desired. Personalized search should not be equated with limited choices. The person needs to feel that they are in control and not the search engines. They also need to see real personal value in using this service.

What if a person is sometimes an information seeker and other times a buyer, or in the matter of seconds they switch hats? How will personalized search accommodate this person? Will the person have to toggle back and forth between a couple of different user profiles or click on and off a checkbox to switch between these two different forms of search? These are questions the SE's will have to address in personalization.


Google has a beta personalized search engine at: that is pretty interesting to test. You're told to click on Health, then the General Health checkbox and search for ""stanford."" When searching for the word ""bob"" instead of ""stanford"" at the Minimum Personalize setting the first three results are ""Bob the Builder,"" ""Bob Marley"" and ""Bob Dylan"". The rest of this page has no health related information on it as well. But, when the slider is pulled to Maximum Personalize, ""Dr. Bob"" has the first two positions followed the other results mentioned above. Its obvious Google has a ways to go in developing this.

Personal Privacy

If personalized search is to succeed, then personal privacy issues need to be addressed and concerns held to a minimum. Will personalized search involve searching your hard drive to see what your interests are? Will your interests be stored in a cookie on your computer? What happens when multiple users share a computer - will someone else get hit with all sorts of Preparation H advertisements because of the hemorrhoid treatment searches you wanted to keep private? And will children be affected by adult personalized searches?

These are all questions that the SE's need to address so that people do not feel that their privacy is being violated or put at risk. The more control and choice the user has over personalized search the more likely it has in succeeding for the search engines.

About the author: Copyright © 2004 SEO Resource

Kevin Kantola is the CEO of SEO Resource, a California search engine optimization company, and has published many articles over the past 20 years.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Search Engine Optimization Software

Author: Phil LaBoon

Contact: Phil LaBoon, Eyeflow Internet Designs, 412-980-9385 For additional information, please visit

For Immediate Release September 16, 2004

Flash Seo Software

New Search Engine Optimization Software Revolutionizes Internet Marketing

PITTSBURGH, Pa. – Two well-known Internet marketers (Keith Baxter and Phil LaBoon) from opposite sides of the United States have teamed up and created software that is making huge waves in the Internet Marketing World and changing the way webmasters build websites. Flash SEO Software as they call it works off of the fact that internet search engines recently started being able to read Macromedia Flash files and index the content accordingly, which ultimately leads to better positions in the search engines. This software actually takes standard website pictures that search engines can't read and converts them into thousands of words that search engines can index – all without the visitor noticing any change in the picture. As if this weren't enough, the software also lowers the file size of most images and protects them from being stolen.

"Who would have thought something so easy could almost double my online traffic in just a few weeks? I would have paid three times the asking price for these results!" -- Brian Driscoll, Beta Tester

This software is unlike anything ever created. What makes this SEO software different from others is that it was created by internet marketers for internet marketers. It's the brainchild of two well-respected members in the SEO community and is being used by dozens of smart-minded webmasters who are seeking to bring in more traffic to their web sites and rank better on search engines.

This software works on three levels. First, it brings large amounts of new traffic to sites, via better search engine rankings. Secondly, it protects sites from others by not allowing images to be downloaded. This is done by embedding pictures into a secure format and lowering the file size of all images. Finally, this embedding frees up bandwidth, saving the user hundreds of dollars on hosting bills every month.

"After uploading the software, I noticed a huge spike in traffic and better ranking for many of my keywords in just a few days …" -- Joy A., Customer ###

About the author: Phil LaBoon has been doing SEO for companies for several years and has finanlly developed his own software that not only increases traffic but lowers file sizes and protects pictures as well/

Monday, May 26, 2008

How best to use Links

Author: Clare Lawrence

How best to use Links By Clare Lawrence 21st August 2003


Google is the world's leading search engine and it measures link popularity as a key component of its ranking algorithm, using what is calls PageRank.

Read the following quote from Google's advice to webmasters:

PageRank Explained PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote.

Votes cast by pages that are themselves ""important"" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages ""important."" Important, high-quality sites receive a higher PageRank, which Google remembers each time it conducts a search. Of course, important pages mean nothing to you if they don't match your query.

So, Google combines PageRank with sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and relevant to your search. Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears on a page and examines all aspects of the page's content (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine if it's a good match for your query.

Integrity Google's complex, automated methods make human tampering with our results extremely difficult. And though we do run relevant ads above and next to our results, Google does not sell placement within the results themselves (i.e., no one can buy a higher PageRank). A Google search is an easy, honest and objective way to find high-quality websites with information relevant to your search.

Sites with many relevant and quality links are awarded a higher page rank than those with less relevant and lower quality links. Developing a strategy for improving the use of links is therefore very important if you want a good ranking in Google.

Beware of link farms or link exchange programs Google's advice to webmasters is clear · Don't participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or ""bad neighborhoods"" on the web as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links. · Don't use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages, check rankings, etc. Such programs consume computing resources and violate our terms of service. Google does not recommend the use of products such as WebPosition Gold™ that send automatic or programmatic queries to Google.

How can I best use links?

1) Directory listing Get your site listed in the Open Directory Project (Dmoz) which is free – Google uses this site to assist its indexing, it is used by many 100's of other search engines. Get a listing in the Yahoo directory £199 ($299) as this the leading directory. There are many regional and lesser-known directories that are also worth considering.

2) Request links Start by visiting the open directory, and search using your keywords – you will find the sites listed here are normally already well ranked. Select sites you feel will be open to a link request. Put a link on your site first then ask for a reciprocal link.

Try also using Alexa ( – to identify highly ranked sites then use their "show links to" feature to identify their backlinks (sites linking in) then approach these too.

3) Promote inter-site linkability Internal links as well as external links contribute towards Page Rank – a site with a good link structure is also more likely to appeal to potential link candidates than a site with a poor structure.

4) Publish articles Consider paying professional authors to write articles on your behalf – then submit them for publishing on the condition that a link to your site is attached. This can be a very successful strategy but time and effort is needed for it to pay off.


A good link strategy can greatly benefit a sites ranking on Google – be very careful that your links are carefully chosen as Google is clamping down on abuses of links.

About the author: Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to Clare can also be contacted on

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Linking is Queen

Author: Shawn Campbell

Linking is Queen

If content is king, then linking is the queen that shares his throne. We have all heard about adding content to your site to give the search engines fodder to consume. But the secret to luring the search engines is the links to your site. Today's search engines look very carefully and critically at who is linking to you, and what it is that they are saying about you. A link from a leader in your industry carries a lot of weight and means that your site is important. Two links from industry leaders means your site is even more important. 100 links from random web sites, from industries you are not even related with, means almost nothing. Thus, getting links is only the start; the important thing is getting good links from quality web sites.

Why do links matter?

Since the arrival of Google and their PageRank, search engines have put a lot of weight on links to a site. There used to be simple ways to get good rankings: Meta tags, titles, keyword density, etc… Today, things have become more complex, with search engines now using a very complicated algorithm that involves:

•links to your site, •what is written in those links, •who is linking to the site that links to yours, •what are the keyphrases used in those links, •what is the quality of the site that is linking to yours, •how many other links does that site have, •how many links out (and to what sites) does your site have, •and other such criteria.

To use a rather appetizing analogy, these new criteria are added to the stew that is your site, along with the quality and quantity of the content. Left to simmer on the worldwide web, this stew is then eaten up by the search engines depending on how well your site matches the aforementioned criteria. Put differently, the king and queen must join together to turn your site into a number one result.

How do we get links?

It all starts with content. No one will link to you unless you offer quality information about a particular subject. If you are in real estate, you must offer information about the area you sell. If someone wants to buy in your area, first s/he will want to learn about it, so you will need to have good resources about that area. The next step is to find new sites that would benefit from your site's information; new sites whose clients would potentially buy your real estate. For example, one of our clients ( sells real estate in the Laurentians area of Quebec. Their site has content on activities in Quebec and the nearby Laurentian mountains. Thus, we will be soliciting links from web sites such as the nearby water parks and ski hills, nearby towns, lake and boating associations, and local construction web sites to name just a few. To these web sites, not only will linking to make their customers happier, but it is in their best interest that the site sells real estate since it brings in more business for them.

How do you solicit links?

To solicit sites you have to use a lot of elbow grease. Send out personalized emails to these sites. Don't send out mass emails or spam. Be friendly, and point out the benefits of linking to your site. If you are lucky, maybe 1 in 3 emails will get a response. It is frustrating and discouraging, but keep your spirits up. Many times a site is perfect but they don't ever update it, so your site won't get the link in because nothing ever changes on the solicited site. Don't waste too much time on sites that haven't been updated in years. It is also important to follow up. Until you get a flat out denial, keep saying ""Hi"", and keep it personal. Keep track of who you have contacted and what you have written or said because you have to make it seem like they are the only person you are contacting. As soon as they get a sniff that you are sending out a mass email, or that you are using the exact same approach with other sites, you will probably lose their respect - and their business!

Do not forget to submit to the directories such as the Open Directory Project (, because getting listed here counts for a lot in all the big search engines. Take your time and choose the right category to submit to. Also, read about how they want their descriptions and titles written, and write them that way. These are the keys to getting into the directories.

Soliciting links is a very time-consuming (and frustrating) venture, but it is essential to getting good rankings in the search engines. It takes a lot of patience and a lot of time. Getting your first link is like getting your first sale. It is just as hard - and just as satisfying.

Good luck, Shawn Campbell

About the author: Shawn Campbell is an enthusiastic player in the ecommerce marketplace, and co-founded Red Carpet Web Promotion, Inc . He has been researching and developing marketing strategies to achieve more prominent listings in search engine results since 1998. Shawn is one of the earliest pioneers in the search engine optimization field.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Links and link building with Google.

Author: Clare Lawrence

Links and link building with Google. By Clare Lawrence 1st June 2003. Clare is the CEO of Discount Domains Ltd a leading UK provider of domain names and web hosting services

Google is the leading search engine, so having the right strategy for optimisation on Google is essential.

FFA sites Having a link on your website to an FFA (free for all) otherwise known as a links farm will not damage your PR. What will harm your site and your Google Page rank is outbound links from your site TO FFA sites.

Page rank is Google's own measure of the links and their quality to your site. Page Rank is an important factor, but not the only factor in Google's algorithm.

FFA links must be avoided to protect your site, it is very important therefore to screen carefully each site you link to. Using Google's PR tool (a free download from: - ) can give you clues as to how Google rates sites. FFA sites are usually fairly easy to spot, as they contain lots of links to site that have no common theme or thread and the site itself appears to serve no purpose other than the provision of links.

A greyed out PR usually means a site with a penalty a PR of 10/10 is a perfect score (only Google has one) 0/10 means little or no useful links etc.

The reason for this is straightforward: - Google recognises that you do Not have control over who links to you, but you do have control of which sites you LINK TO.

Once Google has blacklisted you – it is very hard to get re-listed the only options being to persuade Google you have "reformed" or move your site to another domain name and start again!

Google's algorithm

If you're a mathematical whiz you might also find the following article of interest

What it says is that the average page rank of a group of pages always remains as 1.0. So for every highly ranked page there must be lower ranked ones. Page rank passes from page to page after the application of a dampening factor (usually 0.85).

The point being that pages with outward links reduce page ranks whilst those with inward links gain it. The higher the ranking of the source and the lower the number of other outward links the more valuable it will be to you.

Link dilution

The number of links on a page dilutes the Page rank transferred. If a page has 100 links. The page rank transferred is worth only 1/100th of the value a single link would have. There are other factors such as the sites theme in comparison to your own.

For this reason link web masters often see exchanging links as hard work!

Link location – some SEO writers also believe there is an advantage to being towards the top of the page containing your link (or backlinks as links from external sites are known), this may be correct as Google does treat headers and title as being of more importance than footers etc. The logic being that in the same way as a newspaper reader will often scan headlines and the first couple of lines of copy so do user of websites.

Using SEO copywriting

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) copyrighting is the process of writing web friendly text. This means for example using your keywords in the right "density" and using words in the tense and combination that a user may enter them into a search engine.

By developing text in this way, it is also possible to incorporate text that will allow you to link directly from the body of your text.

This means your site is providing relevant content and at the same time your giving yourself more pages on your site the potential to contain links, which can be used for promotional purposes.

Interesting in seeing how your site is currently optimised? We have a number of SEO tools , which you might find interesting.

Anchor text

This is becoming ever more important– some say THE most important feature. The use of anchor text is one the biggest boosters to keyword searches. Consider the following: -

A) To visit our partner Domain names partner click here B) Click here: Domain Names to visit our partner.

Which is the best? Assuming the pages are otherwise the same Page Rank wise?

B) Is clearly better because the search engine now associates with the phrase domain names (the top phrase in the domain name market) with the site rather than the word "here".


Embedding text links is the most valuable method of linking. It keeps the links at a pretty low number, so dilution is not a problem. It also will award a bonus for keywords used in the anchor text. If anyone offers you a link and asks how you would like it to shown up you now know how to reply!

About the author: Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to Clare can also be contacted on

Friday, May 23, 2008

Content Management Systems Eyeball SEO's

Author: Kevin Kantola

Content Management Systems and search engine optimization (SEO) used to be mutually exclusive terms. But the SEO community has been driving the developers of Content Management Systems to integrate more SEO-friendly methodology within their systems.

Content Management Systems (CMS) are a hot topic right now with many corporate websites are turning to these systems to handle thousands of pages of dynamic data that they need to update regularly. Content Management Systems allow information to be added, edited or deleted automatically over the entire website. This can save hundreds of hours in manual updates. Pages of content are generated on the fly using a template driven system.

When Content Management Systems were first developed, most had little regard for the requirements of search engine optimization. For some Content Management Systems this still holds true. Most CMS's, however, now have workarounds to accommodate those wanting to perform search engine optimization on their websites. The workarounds in the Content Management Systems involve two areas: writing search engine friendly URL's and creating individualized title and meta tags per page.

Writing Search Engine Friendly URL's

Some search engines (SE's) and directories like Google and Yahoo! can now read dynamic URL's but there are still a fair amount which can't or can only partially read them. The SE's like to see pages that have unique content per page and may limit the number of variable strings (i.e. ?, =. &) in a URL to assure unique content.

By using a web server module called Mod_Rewrite it is possible to remove the stop characters from the URL string, thus making it more SE-friendly. To do this you will need to add a rule to the .htaccess file. For more information, see the following article on the Apache website:

Creating Individualized Title and Meta Tags

Some Content Management Systems such the latest release from Hot Banana Software boast full integration with SEO performance such as offering Conversion Tracking tool, Robots.txt and Meta Tag Management. Other CMS's such as is struggling to catch up and offer workarounds to make their system more flexible and SE-friendly. says that their next version (.8 release at this writing) will be fully SEO compliant. Until then, they recommend the pnMeta module, which will give control over the title, keyword and description tags over an individual page. Dynamically generated meta tag information, however, is not recommended. For more information see:

What Does CMS Mean For SEO's?

Search engine optimization experts and others using SEO techniques will need to work closely with Webmasters and developers who use Content Management Systems on their web properties. This collaborative effort is necessary to insure that URL's are SE-friendly and that unique title and meta tags are severed up for each optimized page. A large website with tons of valuable content, should rank well in the search engines according to the SE's guidelines and the CMS technology would do well not to inhibit this, but rather would do well to promote good search engine rankings for large websites.

About the author: Copyright © 2004 SEO Resource

SEO Marketing Company

Kevin Kantola is the CEO of SEO Resource, a California search engine optimization company, and has published many articles over the past 20 years.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Using Anchor Text Efficiently

Author: Jason Rickard

One of the most underused things by Newbies in regards to linking is ""Anchor Text"". This is the visible text showing in a link. A sample of an anchor text is:

Blue Widgets

The prime mistake Newbies make is to put their website name into the Anchor Text. Unless your website contains your keywords this is a waste of a perfectly good link. Remember that Google puts a very big importance on those Anchor texts and they should always use your keywords.

The second mistake is trying to put every single keyword into your anchor text and give that to everyone. There are two mistakes with this technique. 1.) Google assigns weight to each word in anchor text so if there are a lot of filler words (common in long sentences), they will ""dilute"" your target words

2.) You should vary your text throughout your links. That is, change it every 20 or so. This just makes sense. If your links were placed naturally, there would never be 300 links all with the EXACT same anchor text.

So with all that in mind here is an example:

You sell Blue Widgets in England and want to rank first for ""Cheap Blue Widgets in England"" Your anchor text could be varied between the following: Cheap Widgets Blue Widgets Widgets in England Cheap Blue Widgets

Hopefully this helps you start an effective campaign.

About the author: Jason Rickard is the webmaster for http://www.yourfavourites and owner of Grafton Web Design in Dublin, Ireland. *Article may be reprinted provided it is not altered and links are live.*

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Author: Clare Lawrence

Google By Clare Lawrence 15th August 2004

How can I do well on Google? I get asked this question a lot. Google has grown hugely over recent years and now accounts for smoothing like 55% of all web searches.

Google is too important a search engine to ignore, but what's required to get to the top?

Well a starting point is to read Google's guidance to webmasters:

Hopefully this sets the scene, Google is fighting a war against spammers. It wants sites that contain good relevant content. Google also searches to penalise sites that use spammer techniques to get ahead.

So… if you want to do well, you need a long-term plan.

First create pages that are relevant and content rich.

Second link to authority sites in your theme, this helps Google to categorise your site.

Thirdly, submit to DMOZ, Google uses this directory to power its own and their combined content to assist categorisation ?

Consider submitting to Yahoo, which has a similar effect, though its price of $299 may not be worthwhile unless you are an e-commerce site.

Then lastly, find 'on theme' sites and persuade them to link to your site. Ideally using your key phrases in the text.

e.g. Domain name registration – linking through to my domain site Discount Domains Ltd.

There are about 100 factors in the Google algorithm , but the above aspects are most important at the time of writing.

I wish you luck.

About the author: Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to Clare can also be contacted on

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Want a better website ranking?

Author: Clare Lawrence

Want a better website ranking? By Clare Lawrence 8th June 2004

Almost everyone wants to improve their rankings in the search engines, also known as Search engine results placement. How to do it? The web is full of services offering to submit your website to 1,000's of search engines and directories for $19.99.

As you might imagine nearly all of these services produce very disappointing results.

How should I go about it? I focus on Google, the leading search engine as it currently accounts for about 56% of global web searches. I have also learnt by painful and expensive experience but got there.

Play by the rules

First things first. Google is fighting a war against spammers, those who attempt to artificially inflate their SERPS. To be successful in the long run you need to keep to the guidelines. Google helpfully publishes these at

If you have spammed your site in an attempt to get to the top, then perhaps now is the time to de-spam it.

Content is King

Search engines are looking for content that is relevant, the results shown from a search sort in to order the sites by order of relevance. The more a page is about a subject the better its ranking will be.

Decide on what keywords you want to rank under.

Then use these keywords on a page regularly, this increases it's a pages relevance, but not if you get too carried away, that's spamming.


Google's PageRank technology measures the importance of a site by the number of pages that link to it. The greater the number of inward links your site has then the more valuable its page are viewed to be. Particularly important is the use of keywords as anchor text, for example the phrase Domain Name Registration when linked to a page about domain names, gives a boost to the destination site.

The content of the page the links comes from is also an important consideration, as are the absolute number of links. The more out-going links, the less valuable is the benefit passed on.

Avoid links pages if you can, Google is getting better and better at spotting lists of links.


Getting a listing in directories is important but only a few are really valuable.

The importance ones, being:-

Dmoz – A free directory but very slow to be updated by its human editors, powers around 250 search services.

Yahoo – Increasingly challenging Google. JoeAnt Gimpsy Skaffe

Put it to work

You now know what it takes, the difficult part now begins, you have take a good look at the quality of your current content, and start building your links. How long it takes to get good SERPS will depend on how competitive your chosen phrases are.

If you follow my advice here, you will get there; it takes time, and be patient it will work.

I wish you the best of luck, if you want advice then get in touch.

About the author: Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to Clare can also be contacted on

Monday, May 19, 2008

How to rank well in the search engines.

Author: Clare Lawrence

How to rank well in the search engines. By Clare Lawrence 30th May 2004

I get this question all the time!.

Everyone wants to be listed on the first few pages of the search engines.

Here is what I tell my customers:-

a) Firstly do your research, being at the top may not be all the helpful! I have sites listed at No1 or 2 for less popular phrases and they only get a couple of visits a week.

b) To get to the top, you need good content, that means using the phrases your looking for in the title tags, and on the page at the right density.

c) Use of links. Anchor text links are very important particularly for Google, the leading search engine. But links are not enough on their own. Links need to come from pages that are also related to the same theme and are also highly ranked.

d) Directories, a small number of directories have a strong effect on the SERP ( Search Engine Results Placement ) of a site. These are :

i) Dmoz ii) Yahoo iii) Gimpsy iv) v) Joeant vi) Allthebizz

e) Its all relative to the popularity of your choosen keyphrase and the strength of the competition. The better your content and the more links your site has the sooner it will reach the top.

f) Be Patient - rankings are not built in a day, it takes most sites 6 months to reach their potential.

About the author: Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to Clare can also be contacted on

Sunday, May 18, 2008

5 Best Techniques for Offline Promotion of Your Website by

Author: Paras Shah

We get so caught up with internet marketing and ""web building"" that most of us tend to forget the ""olden days"" of marketing; offline marketing. Years ago, the web did not exist, yet, people still made millions!

Why is it that all of a sudden most of us think that offline marketing is not worth the investment? If anything, the lesser the people that promote offline, the more the opportunity for you to slide in.

Even if you are just promoting an affiliate website, offline marketing can still be an incredibly profitable means to drive traffic. However, as with all marketing, do it slowly, track meticulously and learn as you go.

Here are 5 of the cheapest ways you can start getting your hands into offline marketing:

1. Inexpensive Business Cards

There used to be a day when business cards were expensive, but today, companies such as are giving away business cards for free!

You run into hundreds, if not thousands of people everyday just during your normal daily tasks; restaurants, neighborhood, grocery store, clubs, works, etc?

Simply have a business card on you and ready to go as you meet someone and they ask what you do? Refer them to your new start-up business and build their curiosity.

So what if this technique won't have you boasting thousands of visitors in a month, over time you can build very targeted visitors ? all while you also brand your company!

2. Press Releases

Everyone who knows me, knows that I am very big on publishing articles and content and then distributing them online. I have scored BIG traffic by doing this and so have those who learned from me.

Well let's take the concept one step further and spread press releases. Press releases and content are similar in nature, just written differently. Press releases can spread like wild-fire and if picked up by any form of media, you're set!

This strategy may take some time, but be patient. With great, easy-to-use services like, it's a shame to not use this strategy!

3. Bumper Stickers!

Honestly, don't lie ? you know you've been intrigued by the messages you see written on cars. You may have even called a few of those companies.

When you're sitting a red light, there's nothing better to do than to read the message on the car in front of you. A simple bumper sticker with an enticing offer and web address can slowly work charms.

More on those here:

4. Speak your way to stardom

One of my latest strategies that has been getting me A LOT of business is to make myself available as a speaker at local events. I have been speaking at business events, schools, colleges and anywhere else where someone wants me to speak.

By speaking publicly, I am quickly being recognized as an expert. This strategy works so well that listeners don't even wait to see my website, they buy on the spot!

5. Direct mail

I saved this strategy for last because it's not for everyone. If you have some money and are willing to take a small risk, this is the strategy for you. Remember, highest risk equals high potential reward.

Sending direct mail (offline) to prospects still works as long as it is done correctly. You need to research this topic more and make sure you gather a targeted list of prospects.

The latest trend seems to be in sending postcards because they are short, to the point and the least expensive to prepare and send.

No matter what, if you decide to try this strategy, I highly recommend researching in depth.

There you go, now there is absolutely no reason for you to only market yourself and your business on the internet. I have only revealed 5 of the many ways to market offline, there are still many other techniques.

The main suggestion I want to give is that marketing offline typically costs more money than online and that you should always thoroughly research before you try (and make sure you can stomach the potential risk).

About the author: Paras Shah

ItsAllAboutLinks - Link Directory - Add URL - Submit Article


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Meta Tags

Author: Clare Lawrence

Meta Tags By Clare Lawrence

Meta Tags are hidden description fields that help search engines to categorise websites. They are also of reduced importance than a few years ago.

Correct use of meta tags is nevertheless a factor in search engine algorithms and worth getting right.

A few considerations:-

- Shorter tags are more focused than longer ones. - Usually the first phrase has greater weight than later ones. - The title tag is of most value - Description and keyword tags are of lesser importance

Over recent years, search engines have become much more sophisticated and are now able to identify the theme of a page by analysing the text.

It is important therefore to write your page copy first, ensuring its content is about your chosen theme. Once written your tags should reflect its content.

e.g. this article is 'about' meta tags, a good title would be:-

Title Tag "Meta tags and how to use them" Description "Meta tags, their content use by Clare Lawrence" Keywords "Meta tags, title tag, description tag, keyword tags, copy text,".

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that meta tags can boost your sites ranking alone.

To get a good search engine result placement or SERPS you need:-

- Good content, relevant to your chosen key phrases. - Links on related theme sites. - Meta tags, particular title tags.

Note Tags are third on the list and a long way behind content and linkage.

About the author: Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to Clare can also be contacted on

Friday, May 16, 2008

Internal Pages

Author: Clare Lawrence

Internal Pages By Clare Lawrence 15th August 2004

Internal pages often get overlooked when web sites are promoted.

Google the leading search engine resolves web pages and not sites. To maximise your websites traffic, you need to promote each page separately.

If your website is about a particular theme, then you can refine each page so a site about web hosting might contain sub pages about FrontPage hosting or PHP hosting.

To optimise each page, select your key words, use them regularly in your page text, the Meta tags and anchored text links in, particularly from related themed pages.

If you promote your site in this way it is quite possible that internal pages will rank higher and bring as much if not more traffic as your landing or index page.

About the author: Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to Clare can also be contacted on

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Seek Engines: What If 'Seek' Had Bumped Out 'Search'?

Author: Kevin Kantola

In the early days of the World Wide Web, when things were just getting started many geek speak terms were jockeying for position to be the standards for years to come. I used to drive by a California-based company every day that had named itself YKK and think, ""What a pity.""

Then I think what if the World Wide Web had lost out to the World Wide Subway System (WWSS) or some other less noble term? Then I take it one step further and think, ""What if the term search had lost out to seek""? Let's think about this for a moment. Seek is a good word with a nearly identical meaning to search. In fact, in the Oxford American Dictionary (with the torn off cover and publishing info) it states that seek means ""…to make a search or inquiry for, to try to find or obtain or do.""

In Seek Of

What would be the repercussions of using seek speak instead of search? First there would be the seek engines and the seek engine optimizers who would try to get top rankings on these engines. Then you would have specialized seeking going on like local seek, personalized seek and contextual seek. There may be terms bandied about like seek engine specific algorithms, seek options, seek tips, seek tools and seek toolbars. If you're looking for someone online, this would be people seek. If there is something that you cannot find, you would be seeking high and low. Out in the real world you may conduct a talent seek for the next teen idol.

Heck if you happened to be out and lost in the woods at night, the seek party would come looking for you using their seek lights. If by some chance, you had done something morally reprehensible to a bear or a small woodland creature while you were in the woods, you may wish to do a little soul seeking. If you have a pattern of committing these reprehensible acts and keeping pictures on your home PC, then the police may obtain a seek warrant to bring you to justice.

Search and Ye Shall Find

What if there had also been a backlash to all of this seeking? In the struggle to become the number one term for the same activity, this could happen. The instant messenger service ICQ could have chosen to go another direction and today we would have cumbersome ISEARCH4U. Some of the search engine themselves may now have different names such as, and Out in the real world, your kids could be playing Hide & Search. And, if the police were closing in on you for the aforementioned reprehensible acts, you may be searching asylum in another country.

Fun of Finding

The goal of seeking or searching is to find. If you find what you need, you've had a successful experience. But, what if from the early experiences on the Internet, neither search nor seek were chosen in order to find? We could talk about the Look or Find Engines now, but that's a whole new subject altogether, my friend. Let's just leave this one alone.

About the author: Copyright © 2004 SEO Resource

Kevin Kantola head's up SEO Resource, an Orange County, California search engine optimization company devoted to achieving high rankings.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Throw Away Your Money on Search Engine Optimization

Author: Mike Banks Valentine

Search engine optimization consists of some relatively arcane issues that are not obvious to anyone. That I can be thankful for, I suppose, or I wouldn't continue to be in demand as an SEO specialist. But why do clients throw money out the window with developers who don't understand they are bulldozing down site naming structure and careful page architecture when they do a site redesign?

Today I got a call from a very good client who was excited to have me see his site redesign and sent me off to visit while he was on the phone. I typed in the domain name and watched the page load in my browser. Nice color scheme, interesting scrolling header, clean design, good navigation. ""Looks Good,"" I said, and then my heart sank when I noted that my carefully crafted title tag was missing from the browser title bar.

I clicked to the sitemap and noticed that my naming convention for pages, subdirectories and image files had been discarded like yesterdays trash. I went to the source code and saw that all the javascript we had neatly pulled off page and assigned to independent off-page .js files was back on the page again, along with the CSS styles. Oh, and no description metatags.

I began to groan audibly as I made each of these discoveries, forgetting that my client was on the line. My heart leapt back into my throat as I looked for all the great articles, press releases, additional text content I had conscientously added and found them missing from the site entirely!

My client responded to my noises with an exclamation that his new site was ""State of the Art!"" and ""Completely Automated"" as he pointed out the cool new functions and slick scripts. ""Only one problem,"" he said, still gushing about the expensive toys, goodies and googaws on his pretty new baby - ""We dropped from our first page rankings in the search engines, what happened?""

I won't detail what I said as I exploded in anger at the havoc his developer wreaked upon my lovingly optimized pages, but after I calmed a bit (thank goodness he's a good client and a friend) I detailed the developer's unknowing destruction.

Do you realize that ALL links to previous pages will generate ""404 Not Found"" errors from links in the search engines until these new pages are crawled? Do you realize that EVERYTHING I did to get top rankings has been destroyed?! Do you understand that ALL the money you gave me to optimize your site will have to be spent AGAIN?

This exchange has happened with several clients over the past few years. Even though I warn each new client that they must take care to avoid exactly this scenario when they have a site redesigned or upgraded. DON'T CHANGE FILENAMES, DON'T OVERWRITE TITLE TAGS, KEEP JAVASCRIPT & CSS STYLES OFF THE PAGE, ETC.

This week I had a client call asking why the site changes he had agreed to a month ago had not been completed. I reminded him that he'd asked me to send those changes to his developer so that the changes were in-house rather than giving me server access.

I've got a new excuse to use now. The developer did it, or in this case - didn't do it. This developer saw no need to post my thoroughly researched title tags, based on keyword density of each page, to every one of the site's 300 pages. No matter that I'd spent days researching keywords, adjusting page text and massaging all title tags to match. The developer was busy.

The last straw for me came today though. A client called to find out if we could avoid the extensive rework of his site needed to do the ""URL re-writes"" that he'd agreed to do in the contract we signed recently. Why? ""My programmer tells me it will take him a month to do this without breaking the site scripts."" I reminded him that this had been discussed in our meeting last month when the programmer balked at all the work that would be required of him.

No problem, I said, we can go another route, but it will cost you twice as much for my immediate work and ultimately more than three times as much in your Pay-Per-Click budget FOREVER. You won't rank nearly as well in the organic search listings.

Most of your site will never be indexed by most search engines unless you pay for mass URL inclusion, and that only works for one search engine - Yahoo, since everyone else has stopped the paid inclusion programs. Google doesn't offer paid inclusion. (Google and partners send nearly 70% of search traffic to him and most other sites.)

""Oh!"", he exclaimed. ""Well, ultimately the programmer will do what he's paid to do, like it or not.""

Hmmm. Well I like it. Maybe my best weapon against developers and programmers opposed to SEO requirements will be those PPC budgets and Google's lack of paid inclusion program.

About the author: Mike Banks Valentine is SEO for and where he had some of the experiences detailed in the article above.

This article is available online at:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Top posities brengen niet altijd meer sales en ROI

Author: John Bertrand - JNB Web Promotion

Zoekmachine optimalisatie marketing oplossingen alleen via de specialist Wat is zoekmachine optimalisatie nu precies? De procedure van het kiezen van relevante trefwoorden, trefwoorden die genoeg verkeer naar uw web site opleveren. Maar dan wel zo geoptimeerd wordt dat uw web site steeds top posities behaald. De procedure van het updaten van HTML code en het onderzoeken van goede trefwoorden die uw web site aanspreekt. Zodra iemand een ""search"" doet dat uw web site direct bovenaan in de zoekmachines staat en blijft. Zoekmachine optimalisatie is ook het aanvullen van speciale woorden in uw omschrijving en verborgen tags (metatags) zodat een zoekmachine dit kan lezen alsook in zijn database kan aanvullen. Zoekmachine optimalisatie kan ook gebruikt worden als manipulatie teksten van een web site zodat zoekmachines de woorden eruit kan halen om top posities te behalen. Een woord dat meer duidelijkheid geeft aan een web site of een aantal web pages om hiermee hoge posities te behalen voor uw relavante trefwoorden.

Een globale term om uw omschrijving met speciale technieken hoger te laten scoren in de zoekmachines. Een goed voorbeeld van SEO is de juiste wijze van het aanvullen van trefwoorden op speciale locaties op uw web pagina. Dus, de juiste manier van zoekmachine optimalisatie zal duidelijk veel verkeer en verkoop behalen indien u het goed doet. SEO wordt steeds meer belanrijker en dus kan men er haast niet meer om heen. Een zoekmachine optimaliatie specialist weet normaal precies hoe en waar hij de juiste en relevante trefwoorden moet plaatsen. Er is reeds een flink aantal software dat de posities van uw web site direct doet opvragen, dat beperkt flink wat tijd.

Voorzichtig opzetten, bewoording, en de juiste analysis van trefwoorden in de teksten voor een optimaal zoekmachine optimalisatie positie is allemaal belangrijk om de basis van top 10 posities te behalen met de juiste internet marketing strategy.

About the author: John Bertrand is a respected European SEO of a leading SEO firm called JNB Web Promotion, with clients from all over the world who gained great success with his expertise in innovation and understanding client's needs. Visit our website at

Monday, May 12, 2008

Links and search engines

Author: Clare Lawrence

Links and search engines

By Clare Lawrence 29th September 2003 Clare is the CEO of Discount Domains Ltd a leading UK Domain name registration service.

What is linking? Linking involves linking your websitesite to another with the aim increasing traffic and directing the web visitors to other interesting content.

How can link popularity be improved?

The following are all worth considering

1) Trade links with other Web sites.

Make sure that the Web sites you trade links with have the same target audience, but not direct competition.

2) Pay to get your link on other Web sites.

3)Fair trading; present their link in the same way they present your link.

4) Use links from other sites to give people something extra when they visit your Web site.

5) Submit an article to a web site that would be interested in publishing it on their site. Just have them hyperlink your Web site address at the bottom of your article.

6)Use your associate program to get a link on other Web sites. Tell the Web site owner he or she could make extra income if they link to your site.

7) Join a link exchange service to get your link on other Web sites. Be careful to avoid ""Spam sites""

8) Join newsgroups and e-mail discussion groups that deal with linking.

9)Look in search engines for Web sites to exchange links with.

When you find a Web site you want to exchange links with e-mail the owner a proposal.

Tell the Web site owner the benefits of exchanging links with you.

Tell them how long you want to exchange links.

Make sure your grammar and spelling is correct.

Have your contact information in your e-mail.

10)Submit your link to sites that announce new or interesting Web sites.

11) Hire a link submission service to place links for your Web site.

When you place links on other sites use a phrase that will get people's attentions.

Barter your products or services to get a link on other Web sites.

Barter other forms of advertising for links.

Note on your Web site or e-mail newsletter you are interested in exchanging links with other Web sites.

11) Offer a free service or products on your Web site so that people will want to place your link on their Web site.

12) Offer good content on your Web site so that people will want to place your link on their Web site.

About the author: Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to Clare can also be contacted on

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Keyword Research - The Lifeblood of your Website!

Author: Nicky Nelson

So, you know what your prospective customers search for when looking for your products or services? Do you? Get it wrong and your website marketing will be in vain, get it right and you signpost prospective clients straight to your door.

So why do we get it wrong?

When a client comes to me and we start to discuss keywords and keyword phrases, they automatically assume they know what they should be because, quite rightly, they know their own business inside out. But that is the key, their prospective clients do NOT know their business inside out, and so therefore do not have the same understanding of what things are called, and what they can do. You need to step outside of your business and look at it through the eyes of a customer, better still, ask them.


Keyword research is a vital part of website marketing. This exercise should be performed prior the website content being written. It is through this exercise, that we are able to find out exactly how many surfers searched for which keywords and phrases and how many other web pages are competing for the same phrase. In the short term it is not a sensible idea to target one word keywords that have over 200,000 pages competing for them. In the long term, maybe but if you want to get your website seen and start to build up some traffic, then you need to concentrate on 2-3 keyword phrases that have less than 200,000 pages competing for them.


Step 1- Preliminary keyword list

The client needs to produce a list of keywords that they feel are applicable to their business. Keywords can also be lifted from any company literature. It is also useful if the client can tell the website marketing consultant who their main competitors are, and their web addresses. You need to think 'outside of the box' and also think laterally.

Step 2 – What keywords are searched for

Armed with a list of keywords, the website marketing consultant should now perform research with a tool such as WordTracker™ to ascertain:

•Whether these listed keywords are in fact being searched for •What other related keywords are also being searched for •Whether there are any synonyms that are relevant and being searched for •How many other web pages are competing for the same keyword phrases

These results are taken from a database of searched carried out over the last 60 days within all of the major search engines, directories and Pay Per Click directories.

This list should highlight some keyword phrases that are being searched for, but that are not being overly competed for, these are the keyword phrases that you should be looking for.

Now some more in-depth research can be carried out which will tell the consultant, out of those pages said to be competing for a given keyword phrase, how many of them are actively competing rather than incidentally.

Step 3 – Final Draft

Now it is time to go back to the client with the detailed list of actual search phrases used, and decide which of those are relevant to the type of visitor you want to attract to your website.

Step 4 – Focus your content

Armed with this final list, the content can now be written using relevant, searched for keyword phrases.


Getting it wrong

You can have the most professional website in the world, with the most user friendly interface, but if you are targeting the wrong keywords then you are targeting the wrong people. Therefore, your objective (to get more business, sell more products etc) cannot be met. All of your hard work will have been in vain as it will fall upon deaf ears (so to speak).

Getting it right

However, target the right keyword phrases will attract in exactly those people that are looking for precisely what you are offering. Of course, when they find you, you will need to make sure you have also fulfilled the rest of the criteria of professional design and user-friendly interface!


As with all marketing campaigns, you need to know your target audience, know what they want and then meet their demands. The internet offers the opportunity for you to get up to date marketing research data that means you can effectively achieve this quickly and cost-effectively. So make the most of it.

©Crystal Clear Internet Marketing Consultants Written by Nicky Nelson July 2004

About the author: Nicky Nelson is the proprietor of Crystal Clear a web site marketing & consulting company based in North Wales, UK. Having spent a number of years in Sales & Marketing, her area of expertise has naturally progressed to the Web. Crystal Clear offer a range of services to enable businesses to generate better results from their web site and digital marketing.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bad SEO and Google Penal

Author: Jason J. Green

The Big 3 of Bad SEO:

Mirror Sites and Duplicate Content - Google has a particular aversion towards spammed web site content and Google penalties for mirror sites reflect this.

Hidden Text and Keyword Stuffing - A common technique for attempting to inflate search engine ranking is to hide multiple blocks of descriptive text and/or keywords within a web page's HTML source code (Keyword Stuffing).

Link Farms - Web pages created for the purpose of providing outgoing links to other web pages, usually without regard to content or subject are frowned upon. Linking to a Link Farm can have adverse effects as well.

Employing such techniques will rarely prove to be of any benefit to search engine rankings and are likely to get you banned from a search index all together.

About the author: Research Manager and Experimental Research Developer for Pole Position Web

Friday, May 09, 2008

10 ways to ensure your site does not get indexed on search engines.

Author: Todd Jamieson

**** Copyright Todd Jamieson 2004 ----- Todd Jamieson, ( ****

Search Engines have come a long way since the web's beginnings. Back in the old days it seemed like anything you typed in would ultimately show at least one or more pornographic web site. Well, luckily those days have passed us and getting indexed on search engines has become a necessity of doing business on the Internet. In my experience with personally working on over 250 business web sites in the last six years (an having them all indexed), I have accumulated a substantial list of techniques that work and don't work. There are literally hundreds of things that will have a negative effect on your ranking. Below is a list of my top ten.

1. Have no html text on your home page.

Because search engine robots are still not able to read images (jpegs, gifs etc), you will be guaranteed to not get indexed - because there is nothing to index.

2. Have a 100% Flash driven web site.

Some search engines are now able to index certain parts of flash, but as a general rule of thumb flash sites do not get indexed.

3. Dump a bunch of keywords on your home page and change the colour so they are visible to the eye.

While there is no published standard, most online professionals agree that tricking the search engines by adding a large number of keywords on your home page is bound to get you black-listed on search engines.

4. Create an automatic redirect that sends someone to another web site (from your home page)

If you code your web site so that when someone visits it, it will go to another page instantly - most search engines will ban you.

5. Rely solely on your Keyword and Description meta-tags.

Most search engines DO NOT use keywords or description text as a way to index sites. Some use the description tag for the results list. But in general the major search engines ignore these all together when looking to index your site.

6. Having less than 100 words on your home page.

As your home page is usually the first page a spider visits, it is important it has an ample supply of keywords for it to determine how it should index your web site.

7. Not incorporating a site tree or text links off of your home page.

Again, because search engine spiders read text only, it is extremely important to give it the ""food"" it needs to help index as many pages as possible on your web site.

8. Not having a links page.

Most of the major search engines use link popularity as a key method of determining how high a web site will get ranked within their search engine. Starting a reciprocal linking program by trading links between like-minded web sites will increase your ""popularity"" online.

9. Having little keyword rich content

Have you ever noticed that most of the high-ranking sites seem to have a lot of content? This is because they have learned the importance of having ""spider"" food online. Keyword rich content also helps build your credibility and makes your site more appealing when trading links.

10. Link Farms and get rich quick schemes

Nothing in this world is for free. There is no such thing as an automated search engine optimization tool that works all of the time. Many of these ""spam"" emails do not even pre-qualify their prospects - I have heard of even Google receiving a spam email! Optimizing your site takes time and patience. But if done right, the pay-off could be extremely large and provide you with a significant source of sales or referrals from new prospects.

----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- (c) Todd Jamieson 2004 ----- Todd Jamieson, (

About the author: About the Author: Todd Jamieson is Founder and President of and has worked as Project Manager on more than 200 web sites, web applications and Internet e-business initiatives for small and medium sized enterprises. He is also actively involved in a number of other small businesses.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

7 Steps to success

Author: Clare Lawrence

7 Steps to success By Clare Lawrence

Every webmaster wants a successful site, if you follow this step by step guide you'll do well.

Step 1

Search engines such as Google return web pages, based on keyword or key phrase searches. Your first step therefore is to decide which keywords you want to target. Your choice needs to reflect what your target audience is likely to input.

Once you've selected your keywords then you need to use them on your pages, an ideal density to use aim for is 5% i.e. your key phrases should appear 5 times per 100 words.

You can use different keywords on different pages, but try to focus on only one or two key phrases per page.

Step 2 – Headings and Tags

Use your key phrases first in your title, description and keyword tag. Shorter tags are more focused than longer ones.

If you can, also make use of your key phrases using Heading 1,2, & 3.

Step 3 – Submit your site to the leading directories. I recommend.

- DMOZ - Yahoo (paid) - Gimpsy - - MSN small business directory - Joeant - - - -

- Search engines, don't submit to these, and instead let them find your site by spider's inclusion in the above directories will get your site into leading search engines.

Step 4

Reciprocal links, try and exchange links with sites having the same theme as your own.

Particularly important is the use of your key phrases in text links, also known as Anchor Text Links.

e.g. domain name registration links to my domain registration service.

Step 5

Post in forums related to your theme. There are literally 1,000 of them around.

Step 6

Post to blogs related to your theme.

Step 7

The above steps will get you a good ranking. If you keep working away you can get to the top. Be patient – ranking takes time to build, but it can be done.

About the author: Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to Clare can also be contacted on

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Complete Search Engine Optimization

Author: Bill Naugle

Search engine optimization does not have to be complicated but it does require some work if you plan on having your Website in the top 10 on the major search engines. Many Webmasters want their Websites on the first page of Google, MSN and Yahoo when their keyword is put in the search. Unfortunately they believe one of two things. The first being that it is too difficult for them to do it themselves and the second is that there is a secret trick that will have to perform in order to get high rankings. Both of these statements are false.

Some Webmasters will pay thousands of dollars to a so-called professional SEO expert to have their Websites on top in the rankings. The truth is that you can get top Search Engine Rankings spending a little bit of money and doing the work yourself or paying a professional SEO company thousands of dollars to get your Website on the first page. Both will work the choice is yours.

There are many myths about SEO but I want to tell you the plain truth. The do-it-yourself person can accomplish just as much as the professional. You must be willing to do many tasks of Website Optimization if you want to succeed. There is much information on the Internet on SEO. Some will tell you that the secret to high rankings is creating and submitting many RSS Feeds. Others will tell you that you need quality reciprocal links. Is there just one way of gaining first page on Google?

What is required of Webmasters in order to achieve Top Website Rankings? Some believe that if they perform 3 major tasks of Website Optimization that their Website will soar to the top. I believe that you cannot just do a few works of optimization or come up with a secret trick to achieve a high site ranking on the search engine.

Complete Website Optimization is your best guarantee to having a high ranking on the major search engines. What is complete optimization? Using all of the information and tools to get your site noticed on the search engines with a high ranking for your keywords. If you really want a top ranking and only want to spend a little bit of money I will tell you the many things you will need to do in order to have the first page on the search engines.

Having complete Website Optimization will require many working tasks, tools and much researched information. I'm going to give you the many tasks that you will need to perform to accomplish high rankings.

1. Accurate Description of Website. 2. Clear Metatags relevant to your content. 3. Having your Text Body descriptive of your main Topic. 4. Finding reciprocal links. 5. Quality search engine submission. 6. Proper wording of document title. 7. Building high traffic Web Pages. 8. Tools for validation. 9. Creating and submitting RSS Feeds. 10. Writing and submitting effective articles. 11. Writing and submitting Press Releases. 12. Creating and submitting Blogs. 13. Building and submitting a site map. 14. Proper use of FFA sites. 15. Submitting to Web Directories. 16. Classified Advertising. 17. Effective email advertising. 18. Traffic boosting tools like toolbars.

After you complete all of the above then you can be sure that your Website will be on top. If you want the much researched information on complete optimization with many tools to speed up the process then visit: by: Bill Naugle

About the author: None

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Why Pay Per Inclusion Search Engines are Dying

Author: John Lynch

Why Pay-Per-Inclusion Search Engines are Dying

A Pay-Per-Inclusion search engine is a service in which a search engine charges you a certain amount to spider and include your website in its database. For this fee, regular repeated spiderings are guaranteed, so you are sure to be indexed.

However, rankings are not guaranteed. These pages have no advantage over any page submitted for free. A few years ago, pay-per-inclusion search engines such as Inktomi, Altavista, Ask Jeeves and Yahoo were introduced. However, they have failed badly and have lost traffic to Google.

Why Google is Tops

Google built the LARGEST search engine database because it refused to adopt the pay-per-inclusion model. By allowing every website to submit its pages free, it built an enormous database of websites. Good news for everyone searching Google's database!

Google's competitors were unable to deliver the same results, partly because they had fewer websites to choose from. If you charge for entry into a search engine, you eliminate over 90% of the websites on the Net which cannot justify such a fee.

What the pay-per-inclusion search engines did not understand was that their real customers were the ADVERTISERS and not the searchers. Nor were the websites the customers of the engines.

The advertisers pay the search engines, so they are the customers. Google recognised this and decided to keep the advertisers happy by providing a large database of websites. This large database became well known and it attracted great numbers of searches. These searches were exposed to the advertisers' products and the searches led to good sales. To make this most efficient, search engine submission must be free.

Search Engine Model is Similar to Television

This is all similar to television where programmes are made for the masses and given away free. Then the advertisers step in and make the money! As a search engine survives by the quality of its search results, surfers and sites flocked to Google making it the number one search engine.

Why the Death of Pay-Per-Inclusion SE's is Good for Small Sites

Only large quality SE databases can fulfil the needs of surfers. Your relationships with the search engines is one of mutual benefit. You need the traffic and the search engines provide the quality content.

Therefore by creating good websites with quality content and submitting them free to the search engines, you are both winning. There is no need to spend enormous amounts on search engine submission and optimisation. All you need to do is create good websites with the appropriate keywords for your pages and everything else will take care of itself.

Of course, this is where we were at the beginning of the Internet revolution, except certain search engines got too greedy and thought they could cash in on unfortunate small website owners!

© John Lynch

( For a review of Site Build It – the leading website and store building software package which encourages good content for high search engine rankings go to:

About the author: For a review of Sitebuildit - the most advanced website building software for small and home business go to :

Monday, May 05, 2008

SEO vs. Content creation

Author: Ron Pastore

There are so many trends and opinions you can find on the net and most of them are valid, or were valid at one time. Through search engines trends and general internet trends, the only thing that conitually brings traffic to my site is quality content and presence. When it's just a one person operation, and your balencing your time between SEO and writing new content, i usually write new content. I run a website called I launched in febuary this year (04), and since then i have aquired many number #1 positions for many different keywords. And as the popularity of certain pages fluxuates up and down, the majority of my traffic always comes from unique keyword combinations. Like my page on central vacuum installation, which describes how to install a central vacuum html[/url] Though google seems to be changing it's opinion of long winded pages back and forth, i still get a ton of traffic from unique search terms because there are so many words, and so many more combinations of words that can potentially bring people to your site. And in most cases it's those people who do those very narrow searches with odd word combinations are actually are looking for the exact information on your page, so you have a better sales rate. But by all means, optimization is very key, i constantly tweak the structure of my site to make more sense, as well as do everything i can to build back links. A steady flow in the increase of overall web presence is a very huge factor, and doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon. But after studying the trends for a few years, i've come to realize that my time spent might be better off making sure i continually write quality content because that's what people are looking for, and the one thing that will never change about google is that goal to help people find exactly what they are looking for.

About the author: Currently webmaster at

Sunday, May 04, 2008

SEO - Yes or No?

Author: Jer Strausser

Anybody who's anybody online knows exactly what the popular term ""SEO"" stands for. It is an abbreviation for the hot business of ""search engine optimisation"". Yeah, that's a mouth full, so now you can see why the letters SEO are far better to use.

My interest to write this article was spurred by a piece of spam email that I had recieved earlier in the day. It was from a company that was claiming to help me build my ""link popularity"" by buying link packages off of them.

The email was actually well written, and it definately gained my interest enough that I figured I would check it out. There were even 3 testimonials that sounded like this was THEE place to be if you wanted top search engine rankings.

Upon visiting the site, which was nicely designed, and very professional looking, I started to ""play"". Within less than 5 minutes I abruptly left the site, and will never go back....WHY?

Well, let me explain;

If you are ever contemplating paying somebody big bucks to do SEO work for you, there are few real easy tests you can run to determine if they are even worthy of you giving them the time of day. These are so easy, a 10 year old can do them, and they can save you a bundle!

You will need the Google Toolbar installed for these tests! Go to and download it for free. It only takes a few minutes to install.

The first thing I did was entered the URL of their website in my browser in 2 different formats. One with the www, and one without. The reason I do this, is because there are many sites out there that have different Google PR values with or without the www. This is simply determined on how they promote and link their site. If I am losing you here, let me show you what I mean;

'' may show a different Google PR rating than just '' I have seen sites that have a PR7 for just '', and have a PR 0 for ''. It's no big deal to you as an end user. All you are doing is looking to see if the site has any PR at all. In the case of the SEO business in question, it was a big fat ZERO in both cases. Imagine that, an SEO bsuiness that doesn't even have any PR...hmmmmm

On to the next step;

Since you have the google toolbar, just right click on the mouse, and scroll down to ""backward links"", and click on it. This is another neat feature of the Google Toolbar. It tells you how many other sites, or pages that link to the page or site in question. Very powerful tool. The site in question... ZERO! Imagine that :)

Even tho this is usually enough to deter me, there is one more simple test, that really takes the cake. Just do a search at Google for the term ""SEO"" and ""search engine optimisation"". Is this site listed in the top 10? The top 20? the top 100?

In our case, yep you guessed it... A BIG FAT NO!

Ok, so here is a site, selling SEO work, and offereng link packages to thousands of other sites, for hundreds of dollars, claiming to give YOU top search engine rankings when..

1. They have no links to their own site 2. They themselves, don't even have top search engine listings!

Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of successful SEO companies out there. It is a very competitive field, but if you are looking to pay someone to do this kind of work, you need to be informed.

Do some research, and ask some questions;

1.Do they themselves, carry top positions in the field they represent?

2.Do they have any real references? (It is not hard to get a top placement for keywords like ""top used car salesman of the year award"", but it IS hard to get a top listing for something like ""used cars"") if they have helped sites get great listings for top keywords, then they know what they are doing.

3. Do they offer a guarantee or some other sort of compensation if they can't deliver?

These are just a few things that should be considered when hiring out for SEO work, and always ask for advice, if you don't know what you are doing. Your actions can make or break your website, and your business!

About the author: Jer Strausser is the owner of the highly popular work at home community at . Visit them for tips, news, and articles for your home business success.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

The 5 biggest SEO Myths Debunked

Author: Burke Ferguson

Search Engine Optimization or SEO, has a bit of a reputation for having a lot of hype or scams associated with it.


Well, particularly because people want the results of what the service does, which is rank your website very high and in prominent ranks within the search engines.

The following are the most common scams within the SEO industry, the amounts within the titles can be any amount, so I have inserted an ""X"" to signify the numbers.


SEO Myth #1 -- ""If You Build It, They Will Come...""

Did you see the movie ""Field of Dreams""? Well, this is very much like it.

You develop a site or pay someone to develop one for you. And after its all finished, you tell all your friends to go look at it.

However there's only one problem, the only ones that have looked at it are your friends who you told to go look at it.

Heck, its on the World Wide Web, the whole world should see it. Right? Wrong.

Having a website, doesn't simply ""automatically"" alert everyone to go see it. People don't just start ""showing up"" on your site, just because it is YOUR website.

If you want to have visitors to your website (and, hopefully, you do), you have to take ACTION and do things for it to happen. a.k.a Advertise. You have to get the word out, about your site.

And if done correctly Search Engine Optimization will position your website correctly on the search engines under the your appropriate keywords and people will come.

SEO Myth #2 -- ""Get A Guaranteed #1 Position In XX days/weeks...""

This has got to be one of the worst claims ever, and the most used scam with the engines of all time. I'm sure you've seen it titled this way or a variation thereof.

See, the engines constantly change and alter their ""rules"" or ""algorithms"" to which and how they rank websites. So, constantly having a site ranked #1 is almost impossible, as we don't know how or when these rules will change.

But the twist to this Myth is that getting a #1 position is easy, however, it's usually only for keywords that will not do you any good, or keywords that people are not searching for.

So, whats the good of having a #1 rank for keywords that no one searches for? There isn't one. For those unaware it's like; ""WOW #1 in the search engines!!"", however, it's not bringing you any traffic, since it is a very UNcommon keyword phrase.

Being #1 with very common searched for keywords and phrases is what SEO is all about. And this is where the fierce competition in the search engines are.

SEO Myth #3 -- ""Submit To X,XXX Search Engines...""

Now, this may sound good at first, but the search engines that your site are submitted to, no one knows about or knows anything about them. So what good are the submissions?

And as above they won't bring you any traffic, as no one knows about them.

Most or all of these search engines are too obscure and are ""unknowns"", and they aren't being used much, if at all. So, adding your website to a directory or search engine database of some 45,000,000 web pages or more, is no good.

And good luck in trying to find your listing, it would be like looking for a pebble in the ocean.

Most of these search engines are called FFA, free for all, websites and used almost exclusively to sell space.

SEO Myth #4 -- ""Email To XXX,XXX People...""

I'm sure you have received junk email in your inbox, commonly known as SPAM, or ""Unsolicited Commercial Email"", or UCE, is what this myth's all about.

A company promises to promote your website in an email that will be sent to ""10 MILLION people"", or some ridiculous number like that.

However there's only one problem - People hate getting your email and won't read it!

These services or individuals simply send, more like, blast your ad to a list of some XX,000,000 email addresses they have been ""wrongfully collected"". Collection of these mails are commonly called ""harvested"" from the internet without the owners permission.

So, don't waste your time, and I strongly urge you not use these companies or services, as your reputation could be severly damaged.

On the other hand, done properly, email marketing can be very rewarding. How?

Reputable email marketers use true ""opt-in"" email lists which can result in a very positive sales boost. An opt-in list are when people legitimately sign-up onto your list or the Reputable companies list, which your email will be sent out too.

So, email marketing DOES work, if done correctly!!

SEO Myth #5 -- ""XX,000,000 Guaranteed Hits For Only $39.95,...""

With this one, a company registers or inserts your ad onto their network of sites and your ad then is displayed on a pop-up or pop- under ad inside their network.

So, for example, your ad may be about how to write an ebook that's popping up on a site about...oh I don't know,... on a sex site! That's the relationship,... there isn't one!!

But here is another problem.

Your website legitimately appears in a window that pops up underneath the main browser window, now if someone has a pop-up blocker, your ad will be blocked or ignored and therefore never seen!

Just for your interest sake, approx. 2/3 of all pop-ups are now blocked, and this number is growing more and more as more people get and are aware of anti-popup software.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO, is an acquired skill there is no doubt about it. There are several reputable and honest courses and places online to which you can take courses to develop and learn the skills needed to place your sites high in the engines. And just like with other products and services online there are people that set out to down right deceive and scam other people on purpose, for an easy buck.

I of course cannot watch over you, my subscribers, although it is my aim, which I try my best at, to educate and assist my subscribers in anyway I can to help them online, to make them aware of these ""people"", (to put it nicely).

So,.. about all I can say now is, research any company you intend to deal with online,... and if it sounds to good to be true, it usually and probably is and, therefore run as fast as possible in the other direction. :)

About the author: Burke holds both a BSc. degree in Computer Science as well Certification in Search Engine Optimization and Marketing Strategies. He regularly publishes The ACE! ezine newsletter, in which he shares his experience, methods, and knowledge with others. Burke can be contacted by his main website or at The ACE! ezine newsletter .