Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Trials And Importance Of SEO

Author: Mark Flanighan

For affiliate marketers or webmasters who started a few years ago, pay per click marketing was the thing. Pay your price per click (PPC), measure this against how many clicks it would take to create a purchase and then calculate your relevant profit. But as time moved on, more and more entrepreneurs and corporations saw the benefits of PPC, pushed the price of clicks up to the extent, that is it no longer cost affective in certain industries to use, unless you have a high margin of return.

In many cases the only way forward now, is to try and get some free traffic from normal listings. So search engine optimisation (SEO) has now become more important than ever to balance out the costs of advertising.

You would think all you had to do was buy a book, learn the skills and apply to your website, but it isn't that easy. First of all, the search engines do not tell you what the recipe is for a top place. They will tell you some rules what not to do, but all this does is guaranteed you will listed, probably somewhere down at number 789 or so.

SEO is a skill that can only be learned by trial and error. Find someone who has made the errors and find someone who has been successful and learn from them. I say this because search engines like Google tend to change their algorithm every now and again, without any warning or knowledge of what they will be doing. It is not uncommon for a regular first page web page being taking down many pages in one swoop. The only way to keep abreast is to join some of the many SEO forums and hear it as it happens. It is almost like watching the news sometimes.

I have spent probably the last 18 months or so reading, learning and then adapting, making mistakes, getting successes then, falling lower in the rankings and staying there, then regaining again. The bottom line is, SEO can be a roller coaster ride and no-one should assume that once you have got the desired slot, you will stay there forever or even more than a day.

SEO requires continuous effort and time, study, training and much patience. It is no wonder, that respectable SEO companies charge a small fortune to keep your site high in the rankings, because of the time, up to date knowledge that is required. Anyone who does SEO on the cheap, either works for love or does not know the size of the challenge.

If you want to know how competitive SEO, the next time you do a search on any search engine, just look at how many websites or pages are competing for 10 places on the first page. Take the word SEO for instance. 175m, yes that is 175 million pages fighting for one of 10 slots on Google, granted multiple pages may be from one site and may be related to more specific search terms, but you get my point.

SEO is a rich get richer and the poor get poorer scenario. There are 10 rich people in the world and just fewer than 75 million poor ones. However it has to be said that SEO is here to stay and until the internet is replaced with something else, this will probably be the deciding factor whether you business will make a profit or not.

About the author: Mark is webmaster for SEO Training North East and Business Consultancy Cleveland and ICS

Monday, December 29, 2008

SEO for Beginners Part 1: SEPOV isn't a Russian Hacker

Author: Ross Lambert

SEPOV is an acronym for ""Search Engine Point of View""; it is usually used in the context of search engine optimization (SEO) discussions. If you really want to approach SEO with confidence, you need to learn to look at your web site from the search engine spider's perspective and consider its motivation (if you'll forgive a little anthropomorphism).

Fortunately, search engine spiders are actually rather simple creatures.

""What's My Motivation?""

There is, in fact, one simple, central, and obvious search engine truth from which everything else is derived: A search engine's popularity is directly related to the quality of its results.

Never forget this truth. Do not minimize its importance or allow yourself to think of it as simplistic. There is much hand-wringing and money-spending by those who try to predict what Google is going to do next. The simple fact is that all the search engines will do what they've always done and always will do, namely try to improve the quality of their results.

Google rose to prominence because its results were the best. Their primary user interface was (and remains) ridiculously simple. Their results were just better than everyone else's. And they still are--although Yahoo and Microsoft are gradually closing the technical gap.

The search engine spider's motivation is therefore that of its creators: Find valuable, easily categorizable information so that the rest of the search engine software can match it to search queries and thereby provide good results.

All of the major search engines apply advanced contextual analysis to return links to pages that have the greatest amount of high quality information about specific search terms. Think about that statement again for a moment, ""...return links to pages that have the greatest amount of high quality information about specific search terms.""

There are profound implications to that simple statement that the vast majority of web site designers just flat-out miss.

""Go Deep""

For a given web page, depth is more important than breadth. A lot of information about one subject is far, far better than a little information about a lot of subjects. When the Google spider is examining one of your web pages, you have to convince it of two things:

1. Your page has a lot of information about the search terms. That is, it is relevant to the search query.

2. Your page has good information about the search terms (do you have high quality or authoritativeness)

Of those sites that are relevant and authoritative, Google makes one last value judgment: Freshness. The site with the most recently updated content wins.

""Playing Favorites""

Research has also proven that search engines in general and Google in particular tend to favor web sites that have one or more keywords in their URL. For example, one reason I liked the """" domain name is that it contained some of my top keywords right in the name itself.

If your web site has the keyword in the URL, it also implies that depth is more important than breadth for an entire web site, too, since you'd want all the pages on the site to be highly relevant to the keywords in the title.

In other words, in my opinion, it is better to have several sites, each of which is focused on a narrowly defined subject matter than one site that has a shot-gun approach to many subjects.

And a word from the ""Do as I Say, Not as I Do"" department: Unfortunately, chopping up portals into individual sites that each tackle a tiny subset of a larger subject is at odds with how people want to actually use a portal. But there is a way... And we'll talk about it in part two.

Coming up in the next installment: Spiders are more human than you think!

About the author: To learn more about SEO, visit Midnight Marketer . Ross Lambert founded Midnight Marketer and authored Sonic Page Blaster and Ross's Guide to the Masters of Marketing .

Sunday, December 28, 2008

SEO Tips: Link Building

Author: Will Spencer

This article is a follow-up to an article I wrote about

On-Page Optimization . On-Page optimization enables each of your web pages to make the most out of the mojo that they have -- but you need i nbound links to create that mojo in the first place.

I use the term ""mojo"" as a generic descriptor for the importance given to a web page or a web site based upon inbound links. Similar terms include page rank, site rank, trust rank, and authority. Those terms tend to carry too much linguistic baggage, so I use the term ""mojo"" for simplicity unless another term is specifically required.

Mojo is created by getting inbound links to your web site and to your web pages.

Getting inbound links is one of the most important, and time consuming, tasks involved in SEO.

Here are a few tips to generate inbound links. Each of these tips are appropriate for some web sites, but none are appropriate for all web sites. Select the link building strategies which are most appropriate for your specific web site.

Submit to Web Directories

Start with big slow directories like the Yahoo Directory and the DMOZ Open Directory Project, but don't stop there.

Search out the small directories which are dedicated to topics relevant to your web site.

For more suggestions on finding directories to submit to, read

How can I find web directories ?

Reciprocal Linking

Write individual e-mails to specific webmasters whose web pages compliment your own and tell them that you would like to trade links with them.

Make sure to personalize each e-mail, or your e-mails will be quickly deleted as spam.

To achieve the best results from your e-mail, include the following in your initial e-mail:

* Mention two positive items about their web site, so that they know that your e-mail is not a generic spam. * Include directions to the specific web page where you have added the link to their web site. * Mention the

Page Rank of the page where you have added a link to their web site.

These web sites exist to help you search for reciprocal link partners in the same market niche' as your web site:

* Find Link Partners * Link Partner Finder * Themes Reciprocal Link Finder

Write Articles for Other Web Sites

One method for getting inbound links is to write quality articles and submit them to other web sites for publication.

Each article should include a link back to your web site.

These links are better than links from link pages, because there tend to be very few outbound links on the article page.

Write a brief article on some topic related to the topic of your web site. Do not write an article about your web site, but write an article that would be interesting to people who would also be interested in your web site.

Send this article to webmasters who maintain web sites on topics similar to the topic of your article. Explain to them that they can post your article for free on their web sites, in return for a link to your web site.

To find web sites to submit articles for publication, visit

Where can I submit an article for publication?

Create and Submit Press Releases

Write press releases about your web site and submit them to press release distribution services.

To find places to submit press releases for publication, visit Where can I submit my press release?

Join a Reciprocal Link Program

Reciprocal linking programs exist to help webmasters share links with similar web sites.

Some of the reciprocal link programs are:

* Link Market * Info Wizards * LinkExchanged * Link Partners * Links-Pal * Linkateer * Webmaster Link Exchange * GoTop Link Exchange ($19.95 fee to join) * LinkLeads * Link Traders * LinkExchangeIt * SiteSell * 123ExchangeLinks * Ads4Links * Spocka * Links For You

If you have a blog, try blogLinker, the automatic link swapper for blogs.

These link networks can generate a lot of e-mail. You will probably want to create a new e-mail account just for these networks.

Join the DigitalPoint Ad Network

The DigitalPoint Coop Advertising Network enables you to automatically trade links with thousands of web sites across the Internet.

Join a Reciprocal Linking Forum

Several web forums exist for the purpose of sharing and trading reciprocal links. These linking forums include:

LinkRequests Link Trade Forum

Start a Reciprocal Linking Program on Your Web Site

You can also setup a reciprocal linking program on your own web site.

For more information on setting up a reciprocal linking program on your site, read

How can I add a reciprocal link manager to my web site?

Start or Join a Web Ring

You can use an existing web ring service such as WebRing, or you can create your own web ring using the PHP-Ring webring script.

Join or Create a Top Site List

Search for top site lists which are relevant to your web site.

Add yourself to the existing lists. If no relevant top site lists exist, create one.

Provide a Useful Service

Create dynamic content on your web site which other web masters can include on their web sites by linking to it.

Every webmaster who uses your content automatically adds a link to your site.

Firearm News is an excellent example of this. If you add a small bit of JavaScript to your web page, your users will receive up-to-date news on firearms.

Of course, you will also have to contact other webmasters to let them know about your service -- perhaps even with a press release.

Buy Links

If all else fails, you can always

buy links to your web site.

About the author: Will Spencer is the webmaster of The Internet Search Engines FAQ , SAN Security , and Enterprise Storage Management .

Friday, December 26, 2008

10 SEO Tricks to Attract More Traffic to Your Blog

Author: David Cowgill

As fancy as the term ""blog"" sounds, it's actually just a website that uses a content management system. While most blog software is more search engine friendly out of the box than many web sites, the opportunities for blog optimization are readily available.

Here are 10 tricks that will increase your visibility in search engines and eventually drive more traffic to your blog.

1) Use keywords in your blog post titles - This is a given for SEO. Most blogging software uses the post title as the url so take advantage of it.

Example: ""10 SEO Tricks to Attract More Traffic to your Blog - Search Engine Journal"" Search Engine Journal is included on every blog post title tag automatically.

2) Optimize your blog categories - When you create categories for your blog, be sure to use keywords in the titles. When you post, be sure to default to a general category that is relevant no matter what the post is about. Choose multiple categories on each post when appropriate. This will create a ""SEO-friendly"" url for each post you make.

3) Syndicate your blog - Make it easy for people to subscribe to your blog. Sign-up with a free service like Feedburner and then create a ""syndication"" area on your site.

4) Offer RSS to email. Anywhere from 10% to 40% of your blog traffic can come from individuals that perfer to read blog posts via email. RSS readers and aggregators can be confusing. Adding email services to your blog isn't. There are several free services available for this including: FeedBlitz, Squeet, and Zookoda.

5) Ping blog search engines - This can be configured with blog software such as Movable Type or WordPress to work automatically. If you're using, then you can do this manually with or

6) Make comments on other blogs. Your name will be linked to the blog url that you enter. Don't make comments that offer no value to the blog post. Don't use keywords in the field for your name, use your name or blog name.

7) Submit your blog directories. Also submit the blog to regular directories such as (DMOZ, JoeAnt, GoGuides, Google Blog Search, etc) that have categories for blogs.

8) Targeted advertising - Now this doesn't really drive traffic to your site but will make you money. It's possible by using Google AdSense to display highly targeted ads on your blog. Once you've setup an account and placed the ads on your site, just sit back and watch the cash come in. Cha-ching.

9) Snatch up hot keywords - Now before you place ads on your blog, be sure your keyword density is good for the right terms. A great tool to improve your traffic for high-paying keywords is to use a product called Keyword Elite (

10) Use track backs - If there is a blog that you refer to or quote and it is highly relevant to your subject, leave a track back. It increases your link popularity and may even score a few interested readers from the linked site. A TrackBack is a mechanism used in a blog to show, around an entry, a list of other blogs that refer to it.

Summary The important thing to remember is that no matter how many optimization tactics you employ with a blog, there is no substitute for quality content. Blog optimization is only as effective as the quality and usefulness of the content you're optimizing. So do not limit yourself to tips and lists. Use your imagination and you will come up with thousands of ways to drive traffic to your blog!

About the author: David Cowgill is a SEO enthusiast who manages several informational blogs.

Author: David Cowgill iStock Blog Founder


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dreamweaver too complicated?, Go Live and Frontpage too steep a learning curve?

Author: Paul Lewis

I think that some web design packages have too steep a learning curve. That's why I want to tell you about a product that I've just reviewed called XSitePro. Here is a brief summary, and you can see the full review by using the link indicated at the end of this article.

I was looking for something more versatile than a lot of the lower end website building software such as Web Easy Pro, and Web Plus, yet with a good deal of the functionality of the higher end products such as Dreamweaver and Frontpage. As I needed to start quickly I didn't want the steep learning curve that these higher end products demanded.

Quite by accident I came across XSitePro. At first I was nearly dissuaded from taking it further, because I was presented with a one-page sales website which the software authors put out. Personally, having spent a great deal of time, recently, researching web products, the one page sales letters deter me from going any further, as I have subscribed to several, and always been disappointed. I also dislike parting with money before I 'touch and feel' a product, and particularly like to download a fifteen or thirty day demo, which was just not available.

Erring on the side of caution I posted a request on the Warrior forum, and asked for advice as to which website development software I should opt for. More replies were positive about XSitePro than any other, so I subscribed and downloaded the software, putting faith in the promise of a 365 day refund.

I was certainly not disappointed and initially completed the tutorial, where I constructed a ten page website in around 11/2 hours. You can view the website completed in the tutorial by going to the web page indicated at the end of this article.

XSitePro is feature rich and I have picked out my 12 favorits.

XSitePro optimizes each page to rank well with the search engines and gives suggestions as to what tasks you need to carry out, to bring this about.

The 'Help' functionality is very good with on-screen pages supported by 'Index' and 'Search' facilities. There is 'Context Sensitive Help' throughout providing immediate help relating to the function you are currently performing. 'Online Help' accesses a 'Knowledgebase' of frequently asked questions with the ability to 'Submit a Ticket' if the answer is not found.

Using a 'Template' principle it is possible to make amendment to all pages by making alterations to the template. Therefore if you want to change text, site colours, logos etc. on all pages, this is easily achieved.

The Multi-Page Creation Wizard provides a quick and easy way of creating the infrastructure of a new site, or adding whole new branches to the infrastructure of an existing site.

You can simplify your web creation tasks using the valuable To Do Report automatically produced by XSitePro. The software produces a checklist of suggested actions still needed for each page so you never forget to carry out essential tasks.

Two mouse clicks will introduce Google Adsense ads to your web pages bringing about another income stream.

Powerful functionality immediately available which includes pop-ups, pop-ins, link pages, automatic sitemap, page import, scripts, redirect pages and much more.

The software comes with 163 website templates included, making website creation even faster and easier.

Built-in Article and Product pages which are of considerable benefit to internet marketers.

No knowledge of HTML needed, making it also a beginners tool. If you can use Microsoft Word, or similar then XSitePro is for you.

Print out an incredibly detailed report that tells you exactly what you need to do to each of your pages, which means you can make sure that all your pages are exactly right before you publish them to the Internet.

Easily add a links page to your site that looks great and is easy to update, which means you can benefit from a reciprocal linking campaign (i.e. exchanging links with other sites).

In summary we found it to be easy to learn, intuitive and we were able to produce results fast.

About the author: © Paul Lewis 2006. All rights reserved. Reprints welcomed with article and resource box unedited. See our completed web pages using the XSitePro web page tutorial. You can see detailed functionality, screen movies, tutorial samples, free e-books and much more by visiting our XSitePro full review

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How To Become An SEO Ninja

Author: Anton Cheranev

Every website listed in the search engines has a position, or 'ranking', and each one of these rankings can change very quickly, in some cases as often as weekly or even daily. One day your website's in a good position, then the next you're wondering what happened to it. Staying on top of this situation is a must for any SEO professional - you need to become a search engine ninja. If that's what you want to do, then you need to keep these things in mind at all times:

1. Good SEO requires frequent updates and ranking checks.

You might have a good spot today, but all it takes is for a few new sites to open, and before you know it you're back down at the bottom. If you pay attention to your rankings, then you have a shot at fixing things that go wrong before your rankings fall too far.

2. You should check all your links weekly to make sure they work.

Maintain high-quality, relevant reciprocal links and check them weekly to make sure they're working. Remove any dead links, as search engine crawlers may mark you down if they find them on your site.

3. Tweak and assess your website on a daily basis.

You need to continually assess and tweak your listing to keep your site in its proper place - that is, at the top. This ensures that your site is in the best position possible, and helps you keep your competitive edge.

4. Maintain the content on your website.

Update your content weekly at the very least, to make sure that search engine crawlers come back frequently. Even the smallest changes will be picked up on by the search engines and will help to maintain your ranking. If you can't write, find someone who can: you need content.

5. Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in SEO.

If you can't decide what you should be doing or you don't want to keep up with SEO on your own, you could consider hiring a specialist. Consulting with an SEO specialist will still allow you to make your own changes to your website and learn which things work best, but you'll have someone to answer your questions if you need them.

You should review your SEO techniques at least every few months, to see how the algorithms have changed and to devise new plans and strategies for increasing your rankings based on those changes. Any SEO ninja will tell you that there are only really two major search engines that you need to worry about: Google and Yahoo. You can do well even if you only have the time or energy to focus on these two engines. Being an SEO ninja is hard work, but it can be very rewarding if you've got the dedication for it.

About the author: Do You Want Your Own Digital Detective That Investigate Your Competitors' Websites And Reveal All Necessary Information To Dominate Over Them? If Yes, Check Out Here => http://www.TheSeoDetective. com

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How To Know Which SEO Software Tool Suits Your Search Engine Optimization Needs?

Author: Andy Jones

Search engine optimization has become the most crucial element of ranking high in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Dogpile etc. There are several websites on the internet which boast about SEO techniques & tips and guarantee top placement in days. How do you believe and invest your hard earned money in a company who does not have a background in search engine optimization believing their claims?

The question is ""are you ready to play a gamble with your site?"" Honestly the answer would be a big NO.

No one would like to waste their money. So, what is the way out? How about doing your own search engine optimization? It is a very long drawn and tedious process if you do it manually. So, how to go about it?

Are there any softwares available to do the SEO?

Yes! there are several SEO softwares available in the market. But, how do you know which SEO software is reliable and meet your search engine optimization needs and most importantly, whether they would live up to their claims?

SEO software is the answer to implement the major SEO techniques. What are they? SEO is primarily divided into two parts.

* On page optimization * Off page optimization

On page optimization

On page optimization involves:

* Title Tags * Meta Tags like meta keywords (lost its importance now due to keywords abuse) & meta description. * Alt-Image tags * H1, H2 tags * High keyword density * Quality content * Ease of navigation * Internal Linking and more.....

Off page optimization

Off page optimization involves:

* Link Building to improve Link popularity * Reciprocal Linking - Two way links * Non-reciprocal linking - In-bound links * Use of keyword rich anchor text in linking text * Improving Google page rank * PPC advertisements * Directory submissions

It is a well known fact that off page optimization has more value than on page optimization. It does not mean that on page optimization has no value and requires no optimization. On page optimization has its value and should not be ignored.

There are several SEO softwares available to implement the off page optimization by improving link popularity by building both reciprocal and non-reciprocal links. There are websites which offer monthly membership accounts to use their Link Popularity software and some other websites have their software available for one time fee. For a beginner it is always better to go with one time fee software to keep the fixed expenses low. You are here to do business so you need to think and plan every dime you spend towards business success.

So, what to expect from a SEO software selling website?

* Not a one time seller without any future upgrades * A website with good technical support * A website with a proven track record * A website with a forum with quality user feedback * Most importantly these website's SEO software should have good product reviews.

We see many SEO software companies doing their own product reviews and it looks more like self propaganda than an honest product review. We need websites who test and verify the claims made by the SEO software companies and publish their honest feedback. This would help the newbie website owners to make an educated decision after reading the detailed unbiased analysis published on a third party website.

There are very few websites that do this and should be encouraged to test and verify more of these SEO softwares and help the website owners to learn and implement the off page optimization techniques. This would save time and money of the online entrepreneurs to improve their link popularity and increase their search engine rankings. Higher search engine rankings bring more traffic to the websites and hence more sales. It is a known fact that we can drive visitors to websites but converting them into buyers totally relies on how effective is the content and ease of website's navigation.

We should develop effective content in the form of relevant articles linking to your website. Writing an effective article is a skill which needs to be developed by reading other articles and other e-books focusing on writing best articles. Now we should know the list of quality article directories to submit to in the right category. This would be another tedious and time consuming process and this demands an SEO software whose sole aim is article submission to various article directories.

Submitting to SEO friendly directories is another tedious process but the rewards worth the effort involved. The list of SEO friendly directories and the article directories is available at http://www.seo-s

Another way of getting traffic to the website is thru PPC i.e Pay Per Click. There are several PPC programs available like Google Adwords, Overture PPC, FindWhat etc. Now the question is choosing the right keyword relevant to the content of your website is very important. You might choose the right keyword which is highly competitive and may have to pay a high bid price to get the higher placement in the sponsored links. We need an SEO software to optimize the adwords campaign to choose the right keyword combo to choose for the PPC. This would save money and time and helps beat the competition.

There are several other effective methods to do the off page optimization and there are several SEO softwares available in the market. So, in conclusion read the product reviews, and see the important features of the selling website as mentioned above for the final decision as which SEO software you should get your hands on.

Wishing you all success in your website's search engine optimization.

About the author: Andy Jones -Media Relations, SEO Softwares Ezine articles expert author Copyright ©2006 SEO Softwares, All rights reserved. Free reprint rights with proper credit to the author.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

3 Easy, but CRUCIAL SEO Tips

Author: Pj Germain

Today I wanted to share with you a couple important tips for any reciprocal linking campaign in order to get the maximum results in your search engine rankings. These may seem obvious to some people, but I see far too many websites that don't understand the following points.

Tip #1: Optimize the wrong keywords and you will likely never see results. Keyword research is very important to building traffic. A great resource for building keywords and finding niche phrases is located here: . Type in your main keyword and it will give you a list of related keywords and how many searches were performed on those keywords in the previous month. Generally, you don't want to start off by going after the keywords that get hundreds of thousands of searches as you will be facing some pretty stiff competition. Instead go after the niche phrases that get 5,000-30,000 searches per month or so. And, these are far cheaper in the PPC campaigns such as Google Adwords.

Tip #2: Include those keywords in your anchor text. The anchor text is the text that is hyperlinked to your site, but actually shows on the webpage. I can show you how you can get thousands of incoming links almost instantly, plus earn $10 per month per referral.

The anchor text used should be the keywords that I want to be found when surfers run searches in the search engines.

Tip #3: Include your keywords in the title tag of your website. Use only your main keywords, don't use filler words. Having a title such as Welcome To My Website will do you no good at all. Try separating key words with the ""pipe"" symbol, such as:

Affiliate Marketing | Tools | Coaching | Training

Losing the conjunctions and article words makes for a much stronger ranking for the search engines.

Offpage optimization is THE most important aspect of ranking well in ANY search engine, period. It's critical you know this. For offpage optimization...

*You must have links pointing to your website. *These links must include your main keywords in the ""anchor text"". *Try to get links from as many different IP Addresses as possible. Subdomains coming from the same IP are frowned upon and could to more harm than good!

You do not need to pay big bucks to get good search engine ranking. Just be patient though, it doesn't happen overnight. Your efforts will be rewarded within a few months. And, remember, Content is King!

To your success!

About the author: Pj Germain is a webmaster, trainer and online marketer. Visit our sites and learn the secrets for explosive sales & magnetic marketing!

FREE System Earns Recurring Monthly Income for Life!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

5 Methods For Self-SEO. If You Have The Time.

Author: Conrad Sear

So you want to Search Engine Optimize (SEO) your website.

Well, despite what you may hear it's easy & fun.

The caveat is time. In such a ""fast food"" ""I want it now"" mode, the web gives us just that. So why does SEO take TIME? The answer is the millions of others out there fighting for the top spots has created a niche industry by the search engines. They want to thwart the unethical scammers out there. So, we have to follow their requirements so that millions can see my website. Sure you can pay to be in the very first position. But that costs money. Capitalism at is finest.

The early days are long gone. Laws are in place now. Laws made by Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.

So the simple advice is, know the laws. Ignorance will not get your site seen by anyone but you.

Follow the slow steady path & you'll be richer for it.

5 sure methods:

1. Your reading it now. ARTICLES! Write articles about your field of interest. Relate it to your website. Set these articles across the internet. Content is KING.

2. Content. You must add some relevant content to your site. It keeps the search engines & people coming back for more.

3. Links. Links are not a dead art form. Links from other sites will always help you. They help bring people to your site & help search engines see that you are popular. However, find related industry linkage. It is highly sought by Google.

When linking find high ranked sites willing to add your link. Try not to buy if you can help it. If you must, okay. But this is the only Quick Fix I recommend.

4. Another domain. Set up another domain with lots & lots of content & links. Keep the them & info related to your main site. Add your main site links. There, you've created your own network!

5. Patience. You don't get to the top overnight. (unless you pay) Submit (manually) to as many search engines & directories as possible. Do this every 30 days.

So, this works. Caveat: Do you have the time? Expect 30-40 days until your in the top 5-10 pages.

Have patience & good luck.

About the author: Conrad Sear has been a web developer for 14 years. He now manages a startup SEO company called Their growing list of clients are all making to the top with his guidance. Samples-( #1,, #5, #1,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Ultimate Keyword Optimization Guide for Search Engine Positioning

Author: David Gikandi

We all know it and we all do it. Whenever the typical web user needs to find something on the web, he or she will almost always instinctively go to one of the top search engines and run a search. Then, he or she will have a look at the first 30 search results returned (usually the first three pages of results), hardly ever looking beyond that. If nothing looks appealing, they will run another search using a variation of the keywords they used on the first search. Again, they will look at the first 30 results. If they still find nothing of interest, they may switch to a different search engine and repeat the process. This, believe it or not, is the typical web navigation behavior of at least 86% of the 110 million all web users out there. The question is, does your web site capitalize on this behavior?

If the answer is yes for you, then no matter what a user searches for that has any relation at all to your products, they should find you even if they hadn't thought of finding you! That translates to a very high amount of daily traffic to your site. Is this what is happening for you?

I bet the answer is no. Very few web sites really capitalize on this behavior. However, you can learn how to do so. For this tutorial, we shall assume that you are in the business of selling wedding gowns. You have a web site that does a good job of displaying your wedding gowns, but like most other web site owners, your web traffic is really low and clients are simply not finding you. You have done everything you can think of, but your pages hardly come up on the search engines. What next? Well, get ready to learn one of the most effective online marketing strategies.

We know that the web user will think of a keyword or phrase and type that into a search form on an engine. That is his or her first step, and so it should be ours. This is a very important step! Get a piece of paper or open up your text editor and keep writing all the keywords and phrases that you think of as you go through the steps outlined below. Selecting the right keywords or keyword phrases will skyrocket your traffic. Research has shown that most people use phrases of 2 to 3 keywords when searching. People have come to learn that just typing in one keyword in a search will get them thousands of records that they just do not need. Therefore, they combine two or three keywords in their searches.

Your list should end up having about 50 or more keywords and phrases. You must write down every word that a person might use to look for your site PLUS words they may use to look for other related information or products. This is no easy task. It involves some research and a fair bit of thought. Remember, thousands of people out there looking for wedding gowns may not all think alike, look for wedding gowns directly, or even realize at the time that they can get wedding gowns on the net! To get a good list, here are the steps that you should go through. Keep your pen and paper handy so that you keep writing as you go along each step.

1. Think! Brainstorm! Sit down for several minutes and think! Write down whatever keywords or phrases come to mind. Then look at your list and see what other word combinations you can make out from the keywords you have already written down.

2. Look at your products and services and see what words relating to them will pop up in your mind. Write the names of each product or service that you deal in. These product names will also be part of your keyword list.

3. Ask your family, associates, clients, and friends what words and phrases they would most likely use to search for products or services like yours.

4. See what keywords your competitors use. See what keywords are featured on their pages and in their meta tags.

5. Be specific AND general in scope. Think of words that also describe things related to what your site is about. For example, if you sell wedding gowns, also think about other things and words related to weddings, such as honeymoon, bridal registry, wedding rings, engagements, and other wedding accessories and services. The idea here is to capture people who may be looking for other things related to weddings, whether they are directly looking for wedding gowns or not at the time. Chances are that someone looking for any wedding related information will also be interested in knowing about wedding gowns. Get the idea? This is a very powerful way of getting more targeted traffic to your site.

6. Do not forget misspelled words. People often misspell words when they enter their search terms. Include commonly misspelled words or phrases as part of your list.

7. If your site deals with a particular region, remember to include that in your keyword list. E.g. 'Los Angeles wedding gowns' if you deal in wedding gowns within Los Angeles. A lot of people will search for wedding gowns, get a big list of returned search results, and decide to add the words ""Los Angeles"" (or wherever else they may be interested in) to get more specific search results.

8. Use the long and short form of words, e.g. consult, consulting, and consultants.

9. DO NOT SPAM! Do not use keywords that have nothing to do with your web site. Do not list the keyword ""sex"" or ""free pics"" just because they are frequently searched for if they do not have anything to do with your web site. You will only get traffic that is of no use to you anyway because surfers will come to your site and leave angrily when they realize you just cheated them. Also, search engines are on the look out for such deceitful practices and can sometimes ban your pages for spamming. As long as you stick with keywords related to your core business, you will be fine, but do not go way out of line.

10. Now its time for some research. You now need to look at what people are actually searching for on the various engines and get more phrases for your list. Here is a list of sites that will help you out with that. When doing your research at these sites, remember steps number 5, 6, and 8 above - people often misspell words, they use different word forms, and they may be looking for a whole lot of different stuff all related to your products.

(a) Keywords Inventory Search ( - search for your keywords here and see how popular they were on The service will also tell you what other related keywords and phrases were searched for. This is perfect for finding related keywords that you may not have thought of. For example, a search here for wedding gowns returns the following information:

Suggestions for: wedding gown Searches done in March 1999 Count Search Term 2590 wedding gown 53 wedding gown designer 43 discount wedding gown 33 wedding gown rental 33 designer wedding gown 29 plus size wedding gown 27 low priced wedding gown 24 lazaro wedding gown 21 informal wedding gown 21 wedding gown pattern 17 vintage wedding gown 14 custom wedding gown 13 used wedding gown 13 wholesale wedding gown 13 victorian wedding gown 12 vera wang wedding gown 11 wedding gown online 11 demetrios wedding gown 10 amsale wedding gown 10 alfred angelo wedding gown 10 paloma blanca wedding gown 10 mon cheri wedding gown 10 los angeles wedding gown 9 wedding gown and supplies 9 wedding gown ivory 9 sweetheart wedding gown 9 galina wedding gown 9 eve of milady wedding gown 8 african wedding gown 8 western wedding gown 8 wedding gown at discount price 8 mori lee wedding gown 7 wedding gown restoration 7 full figured wedding gown 7 diamond collection wedding gown 7 christos wedding gown 7 casablanca wedding gown 6 emanuelle wedding gown 6 badgley mischka wedding gown 6 wedding gown in metro detroit michigan 6 wedding gown dress 6 venus wedding gown 6 prviate label by g wedding gown 6 wedding gown catalog 6 wedding gown bargins 6 wedding gown outlet 6 used wedding gown for sale 6 princess wedding gown 6 moonlight wedding gown 6 medieval wedding gown 6 romantic and sexy bridal or wedding gown 6 lazarus wedding gown 6 jasmine wedding gown 5 guzzo wedding gown 5 mature bride wedding gown 5 jessica mcclintock wedding gown 5 how to make wedding gown 5 wedding gown in rome 5 wedding gown consignment 5 wedding gown texas 5 wedding gown for second marriage 5 wedding gown discount 5 wedding gown and veil 5 wedding gown maine 5 renaissance wedding gown 5 used wedding gown in southern california 5 wedding gown wholesale canada 5 wedding gown prom 5 wedding gown preservation 5 california wedding gown 5 bride wedding gown 5 discount wedding gown and supplies 5 dimetrios wedding gown 4 bargain wedding gown 4 carolina herrera+wedding gown 4 carmela sutera wedding gown 4 bianchi wedding gown 4 consignment wedding gown 4 cinderella wedding gown 4 dicounted wedding gown 4 amy lee wedding gown 4 jacquelin wedding gown 4 picture of wedding gown 4 michaelangelo wedding gown 4 hawaiian wedding gown 4 wedding gown in paris 4 wedding gown by galina 4 wedding gown search 4 uk wedding gown 4 used wedding gown for sale tampa 4 wedding gown used 4 wedding gown marys 4 wedding gown in emma style 4 short wedding gown 4 wedding gown preservation in edinburgh scotland 4 wedding gown pics 4 wedding gown history 4 wedding gown with bow 4 wedding gown under $300 4 wedding gown by alfred sung

(b) ( - See what the top 100 search terms worldwide were. Remember that it is not advisable to use terms that are not related to your web site's content, but this service can still prove useful.

(c) SearchSpy ( - SearchSpy is a database of search terms captured from the top search engines. Use this to find even more words and phrases for your list.

Now that you are armed with your big list, what you do with it next is what will get you all the traffic you need. The next process is long and complicated if done manually, but there are ways of making this automatic, easy, and fast, saving you the agony of doing it yourself. This article is too short for the technical details on search engine optimization techniques, so I will just give you a quick explanation and a link to where you can get all this done for you automatically and easily.

Basically, there are 8 major search engines today - AltaVista, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos, HotBot, AOL Netfind, WebCrawler, and Northern Light. Yahoo is a directory so this technique will not work with it. What you need to do is figure out what kind of pages rank well with each of these engines. Search engines use a mathematical formula to rank all the pages in their index. It is hard, but not impossible to come really close to knowing exactly what kind of a page will rank well on a particular engine. Basically, the text statistics on a page are what are considered most by the engine's ranking formulas. Now, for each keyword or phrase on your list, you need to create a web page that focuses on just that one keyword or phrase and ranks it highly on a particular engine. Because each engine ranks pages differently, you will need to create a different page optimized for each engine.

Stop and think about this strategy for a second. You have a list of virtually every phrase that someone interested in your products and other related products can ever use in a search. Then, you have pages that make sure they rank highly for all those searches. No matter what people search for that has any relation to your products, they will find you even if they had not thought of finding you! Do you now see how much qualified traffic you can get? It is amazing!

The only set back is the amount of work you would have to put into figuring out what kind of text statistics on a page will rank it well on an engine, then creating these optimized pages for your entire list of keywords for each major engine. That means creating about 300 or more finely tuned web pages! But do not worry! As long as you have compiled your list of keywords and phrases, there is an online service that will automatically create the optimized pages for you in a couple of minutes. ( uses a set of online scripts to cleverly generate web pages optimized for the major search engines. All you need to do is give it your list of keywords and phrases, a short piece of text describing your site or business or products, and your email address (the pages are emailed to you as attached HTML files). To my knowledge, this is the only service on the web that works in this way.

Once you have your pages, upload them to your web server and either submit them to the engines if they aren't too many, or have the engines crawl over them and index them by only submitting a page that links to all of them. That's it! Now simply step back and watch your traffic skyrocket!

Granted, there are many other ways that people use to find new sites, such as following links on other sites, reading about sites on magazine, hearing from friends, etc. But no matter what other methods they use, they almost always use them in addition to using the search engines, especially when actively trying to locate new information. By knowing how to use the search engines to your advantage, you will become an empowered Internet marketer. No other method of marketing is so powerful, effective, and affordable (virtually free)!

About the author: David Gikandi

Monday, December 15, 2008

What's in a Listing? Do a Search of your Site or Ezine.

Author: Donna Sweat

Recently while doing a search for content to put in my ezine, I thought I might see just how many listings I had for my ezine,""Dee's Helpful Info."" I typed my ezine name into the search bar and hit enter. I was amazed with the results. There were several hundred listings, many of which I had forgotten about. I began with the top listing,working my way though the huge list. Right away,I ran into problems.

1] I did not have Id's and passwords for some of the listing updates.As a new entrepreneur months ago,I used Netscape 4.7,which had no ability to keep these important pieces of information.I recommend using Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher along with a great little companion,Gator! Both remember these tidbits of information for you.Gator will accept more than I user,and my children wouldn't be without him.You can download the most recent version at

2] Once I viewed my listing,I was shocked at the information listed. This really is old content,I thought. The summary: Update often! At least monthly and keep a list of the sites you submit a listing to. I had not only increased subscribers by hundreds,but I also designed a new web site, and these listings sent everyone to a ""non-existent"" site! And to top this all off, my subscription address had also changed. I started out using Aureate Group Mail,progressed to listbot, got all settled in and listbot I moved on to Topica.The moral of this tip:If you make any important changes, UPDATE!

3] Moving down the list...Now we have a new problem,we can't update this listing because there is no contact e-mail or login box.Be careful of sites like this one.

4] Now we are finding listings not related to my newsletter at all.Why? The key words are Dee's, Helpful,Info. and Newsletter. One or all of these describe many other listings not related to my newsletter.Maybe I should change our newsletter name?

Now lets change to another search engine. I have tried several but lets face it, Yahoo is the best. Now you ask.....what's the point to this article? The point is...your losing business if your listing is not correct! A wrong e-mail address, or web site url,can take away business from your site. Always stay a step ahead.. UPDATE YOUR LISTINGS OFTEN!

About the author: Donna Sweat Endless Mts.Home Business

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Smart Goto Gambits

Author: John Gergye

Feeling gouged by

A pawn in a game of Gotcha?

Need a game plan as to what to do next?

I've seen a lot of angry spleen venting over the recent changes in's pricing policy. Problem is, going postal won't change it. That's the way it is. Like Yogi, we've now got to be smarter than the average bear. So, I wanted to offer some resources for improved Pay-Per-Click (PPC) efficiency.

For starters, I don't want to rehash the obvious. I mean I could tell you not to touch those one cent bids (well, duh!) as they are grandfathered in until September 1. Or that you should make your bids work harder with better titles and descriptions. Or suggest checking out other PPCs to lower your average cost per bid. Still...

==> GoTo Gambit #1

Here's a useful tool to see what keywords might run you in other PPCs. Just plug in keywords and a maximum bid for each. By return email you'll discover where your proposed max bid would slot you in the bidding hierarchy. Pretty slick, huh? Makes it easy to find the lowest cost PPC deals.

==> GoTo Gambit #2

Put on your thinking cap and come up with relevant two and three-word phrases. Why? Efficiency. Phrases have fewer total searches. Bids for those top spots cost less. And they usually give you better click-through rates.

Stuck? The best tool I've found for coming up with phrases is the new and improved keyword wizard. Just eliminate one word suggestions and in a matter of minutes you'll have tons of search phrase possibilities.

==> GoTo Gambit #3

How much can you afford to bid? Don't know? Well, it all comes down to three letters: ROI. Return On Investment. There's a handy form that was specifically designed to help you find out how much you can bid profitably.

Once you know that, head over to the Keyword Interrogator and enter a keyword. It returns a list of search terms along with the number of searches and the Top 10 (or however many you want) bids for each. Bid away after checking here. reset&ti=985821682/

==> GoTo Gambit #4

Make every click count. If a visitor doesn't buy, do you use a pop-up box to ask them to sign-up for your ezine or a mini course as a fallback? You would at least get something out of the click.

==> GoTo Gambit #5

I assume you know which keywords send you the most traffic? Guard those puppies like a junk yard dog! Don't know how? Piece of cake with this next FREE tool. It shows you where you can save money by keeping you on top of bid gaps. That is, where you can lower your bid and still not lose your position. I mean, why over bid it you don't have to?

Or you can pay to automate this task using PPCBidTracker or Keyword Bid Optimizer (KBO). Pricing may favor KBO. Especially with multiple domains.

==> GoTo Gambit #6

Ever consider optimizing your site for GoTo's default search engine, Inktomi? You might want to. That way, if a search term at doesn't have enough (or any) bids, it pulls in results from Inktomi. Top positions there could mean free traffic from GoTo. Don't know much about Inktomi? No problem. Get help at this forum:

==> GoTo Gambit #7

Finally, while not really a gambit, a FREE piece of software I can't live without since GoTo's suggestion tool is down too much, is Good Keywords. It works great and is a big help in getting the most from the PPCs.

Hopefully these suggestions will save you time and/or money. And make the pain of the recent pricing decrees at easier to swallow.

About the author: John Gergye. Is Your eBook as Silent as a Mime? Well, Make It Talk! Digital publisher John Gergye has more ideas like these, as well as a clever way to make your eBook stand out from the crowd! Find out how at

Saturday, December 13, 2008

How to Get 100,000 Visitors or More from Yahoo

Author: Johannes Garrido

How would you like to reap the benefits of getting listed in the largest and most popular searchable directory on the net?

At last count, Yahoo receives over 180 million visitors a month.

Can you imagine the kind of traffic you'll receive by getting just a small percentage of Yahoo's traffic?

For many, getting listed in Yahoo is like winning the lottery: millions enter, but only a few are accepted.

However, by following the 7 simple steps listed below you'll be able to :

o jump past the millions of websites vying for a listing o get your site listed o receive more targeted visitors o and ultimately earn more money.

Here's how to get your site listed in Yahoo:

1. Focus on a GOOD Keyword

Understanding which keywords people are actively searching can mean the difference between your site getting 50 visitors a day or 1000 visitors a day. So, you'll need to target keywords that people are actively searching for to get any meaningful source of traffic.

Here are 3 ways to Discover Popular Keywords:

o Wordspot - o Goto Search Term Suggestion Tool o Good Keywords -

2. Set Up an New Domain

It's a good idea to create an entirely new domain using the Keyword you came up with in Step 1.

Sure, it may involve an upfront cost:

o $15 / year for a domain name + year worth of hosting (Find this Amazing price at o $199 for an Express Submission. o Total Cost = $214 dollars

However, just imagine how many visitors you can bring with a Yahoo listing. For instance, let's say you can bring 500 visitors a day (a conservative estimate). This comes out to about 182,500 visitors in a year.

A total cost of $214.40 for 182,500 adds up to less than 1/10 a penny a visitor. Plus, if you submit this new site to the various search engines, you will gain even more visitors. You won't find a better bargain out there.

3. Create Unique Content

Setting up a new domain is not enough for getting into Yahoo. To get into Yahoo, you'll need to present unique content for the Yahoo editors. Remember, each site that's submitted to Yahoo is reviewed by live humans.

So how do you create unique content for the Yahoo reviewers?

One way to do this is to find gaps in Yahoo's listings, and provide the information to fill in those gaps.

Simply search Yahoo's category listing in the subject area you plan on submitting to and finding an area that is lacking content. Then, your job is to simply create the content to fill in the gaps for them.

Don't worry, you don't have to create a massive 500 pg. website. 7-10 pages of unique content (including links to other sources) should be more than adequate to get you listed.

4. Title of Your Site Should Be On Your Actual Website.

In most cases, the yahoo reviewers will use your company name as the title of your listing. So if you have the ability to do so, you might want to consider this in choosing your business name. When deciding on your business name, be sure to include your most important keyword (Step 1 above) in it.

If you already have a business name, you might want to fill out another ""Doing Business As"" form with your local courthouse and create another assumed name for your business.

5. Create a Very Brief Description

Try and keep your description text to 12 words or less of advertising and hype free text. However, be sure to include your important keyword (Step 1) into the description.

6. Choose a Specific Category and Secondary Category

Yahoo distinguishes sites as either commercial or non- commercial sites. If your site is selling anything at all than your site belongs in the Business and Economy section of Yahoo.

Try and be as specific as possible when trying to submit your site into Yahoo's first and secondary categories. This will help target your visitors and limit the amount of competition your site will have.

7. Implement a Back Up Strategy

Even though you did everything right, you still may not be included into Yahoo's directory. Don't worry, follow this back up strategy:

If you used the Business Express service to submit your site and didn't get in with your first try, you'll be sent an email within 7 days stating why you weren't listed. Here's you second chance to get in. Simply fix the problem that they've indicated and then recontact your reviewer to inform them of the changes you've made in what's know as the ""appeal"" email by Yahoo.

If you did not use the Business Express service, you may want to contact Yahoo about your submission. When contacting Yahoo, I suggest you include the date of your submission as well as the title and URL of your web site.

Yahoo is swamped with emails, so sending them an email to them may be ineffective. What I suggest is that you either call or write to them about your site's listing (writing is the preferred method). Here's Yahoo's contact information:

Yahoo!, Inc. 3420 Central Expressway, 2nd Floor Santa Clara, CA 95051 Main Corporate Telephone: (408) 731-3300 Fax: (408) 731-3301 User Support Telephone: (408) 731-3333 - LISTING NUMBER Extension #1: For information on submitting a new URL Extension #2: For information on making changes to an existing listing in Yahoo! Extension #3: Information about Yahoo! search results

When contacting Yahoo, it's a good idea to get to the point quickly. Simply ask if they have had a chance to review your web site and reiterate how your site adds value by providing unique content to their directory.

So now you have the information needed to get your site listed in the biggest directory on the net. WHY STOP HERE? Why not use the information presented above to get more sites listed?

About the author: Johannes Garrido is creator of the 'Killer Classified Ads Magic System' ""STOP Wasting Your Precious Time and Money - Discover How to Increase Your Sales by 1700% with a Killer Ad Campaign. 100% Guaranteed.""

Friday, December 12, 2008

Promotional Content... It's the little things that count

Author: Edward B. Toupin

Promotional content is the invisible content in the various recesses of a Web page. This type of content is used by search engines and directories to properly categorize your site and its pages during indexing.

--- Site Title ---

The title is the first thing a search engine displays as a result of a search. This makes it imperative that the title contains something readable and descriptive. Do not place a bunch of redundant terms in your title---make sure that the title can be read as a sentence. If the reader cannot understand the meaning of the title, then chances are they will not visit your site.

Once you create your page title, place it once within the header of the page using the tags. Many marketers will place their title as many as five to ten times within the header of their page! This is good in that your relevance increases from the number of keywords; however, this repetitive approach is poor netiquette and is usually not accepted by most search engines.

--- META Tags ---

Meta Tags are information fields located in the header of a Web page. These tags store information about your browser, keywords, site description, and authoring information. The two main Meta Tags are ""description"" and ""keywords."" The ""description"" tag contains a short description of your page while the ""keywords"" tag contains a search keyword list for your page. These two Meta Tags are used by search engines to index your site and are critical elements of every Web page. When your site is indexed, users can enter search topics into the search engine to locate your site based on these two tags.

The Meta Tags should look like this in the of your Web page:

To ensure the proper indexing of your page, you will have to devise a content scheme that targets numerous types of search engines. Note that different search engines will index your site in different ways, depending on the content. For instance, the following list provides information on the different ways that search engines can index your site:

* Some search engines look for an agreement between the description, keyword, title, and body.

* Some search engines use only the information located in the first line of the body of the page.

* Some search engines use a combination of the Meta Tags and the body content to weight your page based upon consistency.

Obviously, you would want to maintain a consistent content and style throughout your page. It is important, however, to learn how the different types of search engines work to have your page properly positioned in the lists.

--- Hidden Form Fields ---

Once you've developed the keywords for your site, you'll find that you still have over a dozen or so discarded phrases and words that are relevant to your page. Your Meta Tags are probably filled to the maximum 255 character limit and that the first line of your page body is a graphic and contains no pertinent text. Forcing any of these additional phrases and keywords into the page can get you rejected from several search engines for ""keyword stuffing,"" described below.

These types of dilemmas are quite common for many Web page developers, but the solution is simple: a hidden form field. This form field is identical to every other form field (e.g. input fields, radio buttons, check boxes, etc.), however, it cannot be seen on the page in a browser.

The hidden form fields go in the body of the Web page and look like the following:

Many search engines will recognize hidden form fields and use the information to index your site in the same manner as they would standard text in the body of your page. Some search engines ignore such fields, however, it is important to create pages that are acceptable across all search engines.

Hidden form fields can be used as the first line of text in your Web page and should reside in your page before any other content. The reason for this placement is that most search engines will only use the first 2,048 characters in a document. With hidden form fields, you can still get those extra keywords into your document without forfeiting space and layout.

--- Keywords ---

Keywords are one of the more important elements of a Web page since they describe the page to which they belong. The keywords that you select for your site must be relevant to the page as well as frequently used within the page's content.

Relevant keywords provide a better position in a search engine for your target market. For instance, if your site is specific to a new piece of financial software, it's important to stress the keywords that best describe the general and specific characteristics of the software. If someone performs a search for ""automobile"" and your site appears, it's certain that you will get a few users. The problem is that these users will do you no good since they are interested in another topic.

Obviously, if you're selling some product that's important to a wide range of markets, then nearly any choice of keywords would be relevant to your site. The point is that you want to ensure that you're bringing in only those users that are interested in what your site has to offer. In this way, you are maximizing your marketing effort.

The following rules may not make sense immediately, however, by following them, you're sure to increase your search engine position as well as the number of hits your site receives:

* Plural Form of Keywords When a user performs a search, it's unlikely that they will enter a search term that exactly matches the keywords you selected for your site. In some cases, the user will enter the singular form of a keyword and in others, they may enter the plural form. It's essential to capture both forms of a keyword to maximize your exposure!

* Repeat Important Keywords In the days of old, we could repeat a keyword numerous times to increase the relevancy of a site in a search engine. This repetition allowed sites to be placed higher in the search engine's list so that the user would see that site first. Today, search engines filter out those sites that over-repeat keywords. It's best to repeat the most important keywords no more than twice to increase your relevancy without being eliminated.

* Diversify Keyword Meanings Assume that every user has a different vocabulary--some users say ""book"" while others may say ""publication"" or ""document."" Each word refers to the same thing, however, unless your keywords are properly selected, you may only get one-third of your potential hits! When devising your keyword scheme, take into account the different forms of a given keyword. Create the keywords important to your site in such a way that, regardless of the search terms used by a user, your site will appear in the results list.

* Keyword Variations Consider the fact that users will not enter the keywords into a search engine the same way every time. For instance, some users may enter ""real time software"" while others may enter ""real-time software"" or ""realtime software."" Think about the keyword variations to ensure the capture of as many users as possible. Also, consider common misspellings of keywords. I know many intelligent individuals who tend to misspell certain words because of the phonetic spelling of the word---consider ""eves"" and ""eaves."" If a user consistently misspells such a word and you happen to sell plant hangers for under eaves, you might lose potential clients.

* Keyword Combinations and Phrases Some search engines will only take the first 255 characters of a keyword list, while others accept a nearly unlimited list of keywords. The problem is that you must target the 255-character limitation to be accepted by as many search engines as possible. One method to accommodate the keyword list limitation is to use phrases that best describe the page. For instance, I could use ""ebook marketing"" as a phrase that could be found with several combinations of search topics in a search engine. Another method is to ensure that the most relevant keywords are located at the front of the keyword list---even with a 255-character limitation, the most important keywords are accepted.

--- Keyword Selection ---

Your objective is to attract as many relevant visits to your site as possible. With that in mind, you will have to select keywords that are commonly used by users and that are relevant to your site.

You can easily attract users by entering such keywords as ""naked women, adult, sex, ..."" into your keyword list. Since these are some of the most searched-for keywords, I can guarantee that your site will get hits. Do you think that someone searching for pornography is going to spend very much time on your page? The problem here is that you will be attracting people who won't provide a relevant hit to your site. This tactic wastes bandwidth, time, and money.

--- Developing Keyword Lists ---

Using the information we've reviewed, let's look at creating a keyword list for a page. This is actually a more difficult task then creating the page itself since you must determine the best keywords that describe your page. To begin this task, let's ask ourselves: ""how would people begin to search for a site like mine?""

Immediately, you could come up with about three-dozen keywords to place in a keyword list, however, many of the keywords that you think are relevant may turn out to be useless. Think about how you perform searches for certain information and apply that experience to the selection of keywords for your page. You'll find that the time taken to create a good keyword list will be most beneficial.

The best way to weed out useless keywords is to use the steps outlined in the following list. These steps are proven and have worked on several sites I've marketed.

* Create an exhaustive list of words that describe your site. * Review and eliminate words that are least descriptive or redundant. * Create plural versions of words without altering their form. * Consider and note misspelling variations. * Combine words into phases. * Eliminate duplicate phrases. * Eliminate phrases with words duplicated in other phrases. * Check for other words or phrases that can diversify the list. * Create a comma-delimited list of all phrases and remaining words. * Move and order the most relevant words to the front of the list. * Duplicate the four more important words and phrases twice. * Ask an associate to review the words and phrases. * Ask an associate to edit the list based on their search preferences. * Clean up and limit the list to 255 characters. * Perform searches using your keywords to locate other relevant sites. * Go to these sites to see how they created their keyword list.

About the author: Edward B. Toupin is a freelance consultant, writer, and published author living in Las Vegas. With 10 years of experience, Edward provides quality Web site design, development, and marketing as well as writing, document design and planning, and e-book publishing services. You can visit his Web site at or contact him at

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ten Places You Must Submit Your Site

Author: Jim Daniels

(Seven still-free listings and three worth paying for.)

This tutorial will not promise you a top search engine position. It will also not reveal how to get your site into thousands of search engines.

Instead, you will discover the exact locations where you can submit your website for free and the few ""paid submissions"" that are actually worth the price.

Yes, there ARE still places where you can submit your website for free. There are actually seven extremely busy search engines that have not (not yet anyway) migrated to requiring payment for listings.

Here's a listing of these engines along with the URLs where you can add your site(s) for free:

1. Lycos Add URL:

2. Google Add URL:

3. HotBot Add URL:

4. Northern Light Add URL:

5. DMOZ - The Open Directory Project Add URL:

6. Direct Hit - An Ask Jeeves Service Add URL:

7. Fast - (Formerly ""All the Web"")

Those seven search engines above have been responsible for sending literally thousands of visitors to my website over the past year. And they will send thousands more. And perhaps the best part is that I didn't have to pay them a dime.

But that's not to say that paying for a listing in a search engine is a bad thing. Sure, lots of ""purists"" have been bashing the search engines' move to charging for listings. But let's face it, they are in business to make money too. And advertising revenue is not what it used to be for many of these companies. Their CPM (cost per 1000 banner impressions) rate has dropped significantly and they need other revenue sources. So why not charge businesses for a listing?

Now as a small business owner you cannot go around and start paying every search engine that wants a hundred bucks or more just for the privilege of listing your site (or just considering it!) So you have to concentrate your budget on just the search engines that can deliver serious website traffic. Those are the engines, or networks of engines with the most traffic themselves.

After researching the field, I've narrowed this down to just three that are undoubtedly worth the price. They are...

8. Yahoo! Business Express

Currently $199 for non-adult sites, Yahoo! still has the busiest directory by far and you'll get lots of traffic from a decent listing.

9. The Looksmart Network's Express Submit

Also $199, this network powers over 1/2 million websites including AltaVista, CNN, Excite, iWon, Microsoft Network, Netscape Netcenter, NetZero and WebCrawler.

10. Inktomi's Search/Submit service

At just $30 a year for the first URL and $15 for each additional, this is a cheaper solution to the Looksmart Network submission. Inktomi powers searches through AOL, iWon, MSN and the Looksmart directory itself. The best part is that the network updates every 48 hours so you get your listing in quickly.

OK, there you have it. A quick, cut to the chase, search engine submission guide. Just be sure that before you submit your site to ANY search engine or network that your site is ready to be listed favorably. This means adding targeted keywords to your content, META tags and title as well as spell checking and browser checking your site. Once you are sure everything is set to go, visit those 10 URLs and submit your site!

About the author: Tutorial by Jim Daniels of Jim's new, no-hype, step-by-step Guide to Making a Living from the Internet is at Read Jim's free web-based guide and discover how you could make your living online.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How to easy track results from any google datacenter

Author: Coca Bogdan

So, what is a google datacenter ? Google datacenters represent diferents locations where google iskeeping their servers for protecting their system from possible overloading. Inothers words, a user from Romania will be served by a different serverthat a user from California, even they type the same url of !!!How come they do this?! By entering into your webbrowser will take you to one IP address. ( representthe domain name, the address of the website , and the IP address,represent the physical adress of a real computer. [Actualy every computeron the internet has an IP address, including yours, but not everycomputer must to have a domain name pointed on it's IP, but this is anatherstory! ] ) How do you see what's your current

write : ""command""(without """" of course ;) and write down ping in the blackscreen that's apearing. You will be able to see the IP address of yourcurent google datacenter. Sweet. Why should I care about using different Google datacenters?! Some datacenters are updating faster then others, some datacenters maycontain diferents results from others, some datacenters have ""freshmeal"" , so Search Engine Optimisers can quickly see more the results of thier efforts. How do I set up my default Google datacenter?! Setting a default google datacenter for when you call-up be simpler then you ever dreampt of. Now, you will only edit your HOST file! In Windows 98 the file resides in C:\Windows\hosts In Windows XP it is in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\etc\hosts So if

:""notepad C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\etc\hosts "" and press enter! Okay, now add this lines on the end of HOSTS file: Now go

press enter! write down ping and press enter.You will see that the returned IP it's You may now delete those 2 lines, and replace them with : Now ping again the and see what IP you have. Now let's pass in something more advanced, maybe you will want to change the google datacenters 100 times a day , so you may wishto add some virtuals domain names , like : Try to access in your web browser to see about whatI am talking about , and , etc , you may also pingthem. Here is a cool list of Google datacenters you may wish to add : Just add them one by one, and call them however you want. For Example : /// if you wish so Feel free to also modify the hosts files for others domain names asweel. The host file may also help you to access your web server while you didsome DNS chanes (You won't nead to wait for those 48 hours) For example, if I changed my to anather hostingprovider, that are hosting my websites on websites on : will do : www.softgroups.comM Where I can find a list of more google datacenters?! Here is a good list :

About the author: Coca Bogdan is writing free php scripts for

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Building Doorway Domains for Optimized Search Engine Positioning

Author: Ralph Tegtmeier

Doorway pages have been around for a long time and most people trying for search engine optimization are more or less familiar with them. To recapitulate: a classical doorway page is focused on a certain keyword or search phrase, carrying highly optimized text, pertinent meta tags, title, etc. It is submitted to the search engines to achieve better rankings. When human visitors hit the page, they are required to click a link to get to the site proper.

More often than not, doorway pages are quite ugly. That's because they are so highly optimized with the search engines in mind, who happen to dislike graphics, nested tables, Flash, Java applets, JavaScript, frames, and the like. So while they may perform nicely in the search engines' indices, many of them don't exactly spell out cutting edge marketing skills from the human visitors' (= clients'!) point of view. Granted that quite a few webmasters have caught on, resorting to generating more appealing pages featuring navigation elements and blending better with their sites' overall layout and design, but creating these can be a very time consuming effort.

What's more, some search engines are regularly conducting witch hunts to weed out discernible doorway pages, one of the most notable examples being AltaVista. The reason for this is the ongoing abuse the doorway page technology has been subject to over the years. With fairly cheap programs around generating hundreds of doorways at one go, you can hardly blame the engines for implementing some self-protective countermeasures.

Another major issue concerns the restrictions imposed on volume of page submissions. Search engines tend to limit the number of pages a domain may submit per day. While such limits are seldom publicized and may vary widely from one engine to another, a general guideline adhered to by most search engine optimization professionals is about 5 pages per day and domain.

For large web sites generating hundreds or thousands of new pages (dynamic or static) per year, it is therefore paramount to work around this limitation in order to get as many pages indexed as possible. The more web pages represent a web site in a search engine index, the greater the chances of generating pre-qualified traffic.

Even if you're only selling a handful of products, any web marketing expert will tell you that you are well advised to feature each of them on a highly focused mini-site because this will considerably increase your search engine exposure and, hence, your chances of driving visitors your way. The obvious drawback of this strategy lies in the fact that while you may make a lot of one-item sales this way, getting customers to buy several products at one pop isn't quite that easy without diluting your site's thematic focus again.

This is where Doorway Domains come in. They differ from tread-of-the-mill doorway pages in that they constitute dedicated web sites in their own right - highly focused, very targeted and immensely positionable. On the other hand, they are not identical with mini-sites because human visitors will never get to see them!

Instead, they are search engine spider fodder at its very best - optimized to the last byte, they can achieve excellent rankings. They will usually consist of several pages, each of which is optimized in a different manner: meta tags, titles, keyword density, etc. With every page following a slightly different basic optimization method or algorithm, they can target all important search engines and their various references in an incredibly effective buckshot strategy.

Search engines don't rank isolated pages very well, if at all, so the various pages of a well constructed Doorway Domain will all be interlinked with one another. Neither should they be mere clones: duplicate content on any given web site will usually be penalized.

But if, as I claimed above, human visitors don't ever get to see them, how are they supposed to boost your sales? The answer to this is redirection: surfers hitting your Doorway Domain's well positioned link on an engine's search results list will simply be forwarded to the corresponding page on your main site.

""Hey,"" you may groan now, ""hold it! Haven't I read all over the place that search engines take a very dim view of redirects and may actually ban sites from their indices if detected? So what are you trying to propose here - kamikaze optimization?""

You read right: search engines do indeed penalize web sites for redirection! However, there's a fairly easy, well established way out of this, and it goes under various names ranging from ""Cloaking"" through ""IP Delivery"" to ""Stealth Technology"", and others more.

Note that I said it is human visitors who will be redirected, not the search engine spiders. The latter will be served with their optimized ""fodder"" pages from the Doorway Domain itself and will never know the difference.

There are various technical methods to achieve this. You can employ specialized software which will determine automatically whether a site hit is generated by a search engine spider or a human visitor. If you have administrator rights on your system (most people haven't, but if you're running your own dedicated server this is normally a given), you can tweak your configuration to achieve the same effect, etc.

So you may think of a Doorway Domain as a ""cloaked mini-site"" fronting for your home page without annoying visitors with that 'ol ""Click here to enter"" spiel. Remember that many studies indicate that you have only about 8-15 seconds to capture your visitors' attention if you want them to actually stay on your site. If in doubt, check your server's traffic logs! You shouldn't make life more difficult for your visitors than absolutely necessary - it's uncourteous, and it doesn't particularly motivate buyers either!

The technical fineries of cloaking are, unfortunately, beyond the scope of this introductory article, but there's a lot of fine material around which will help you get started if you're interested.

A detailed tutorial on the DOs and DONTs of cloaking can be found on our site at: There's also a guided tour on cloaking available here (JavaScript enabled browser required):

Note that cloaking is not without its risks! The tutorial mentioned above will explain this in more detail.)

While these risks are widely overrated, they do indeed exist, so you should know exactly what you're doing before you actually go for it. However, once you have become familiar with the technology and seen its fantastic ranking results, you'll hardly settle for less again!

About the author: Ralph Tegtmeier is the co-founder and principal of Ltd. (UK) and GmbH (Belgium), a company specializing in webmasters software development, industrial-strength cloaking and search engine positioning services. You can contact him at

Monday, December 08, 2008

An easy way to build traffic

Author: Jerks.Com

In the old days of the Internet (1995) people said the phrase ""build it and they will come""

This has changed however.. with more and more sites on the net you have to do something that will attract people. I have found some things that have worked.

Look at all the largest sites on the Internet. Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos, and Jayde you will see something very similar with them. There is hardly any advanced graphics or Javascripts on these sites. It is very straight forward with simple text based menu with simple compressed graphics.

I will use Yahoo as a example. It is the Largest site on the Internet in terms of traffic. The site layout is VERY straightforward with no moving graphics or Javascript. This is something that people should note when designing a site. GRAPHICS TAKE TIME TO DOWNLOAD!

When I visit a graphic intensive site I might take the time to wait until the download is complete if the graphics are really cool... but trust me.. the second time I go to the site (if there would be a second time) I will hit that stop button faster than you can say ""long download""

Design your site as if it is a portal or search engine. Portals have dealt with huge volumes of traffic and have done their research. It's the cheap way to do market research.... my college professor once told me that if I were to open a store.. choose a location right next to a new McDonald's. In order for the McDonald's to be built a invest a serious amount of money for market research is spent.. how much traffic does the street get.. how close is it to businesses (the people on their lunch break have very little time for lunch and have a tendency to eat fast food)

Trust me when I say that Yahoo or Altavista does their research. Their livelihood depends on how their visitor reacts to their site. They measure click through from the main site to other areas.. they even measure the spacing and the fonts to make sure it appeals to their massive audience as well as design their site for the least amount of bandwidth traffic. They don't want to slow down their site. So their site is VERY efficient.

About the author: Jerks.Com

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Input! Input!

Author: Ken Garner

In the classic 1986 Film ""Short Circuit"" the main character is a cute Robot with an acute thirst for knowledge known only as 'Number 5'.

One of Robot number 5s most engaging traits is that whenever he stumbles across anything interesting he rushes off enthusiastically to collect and index the data with cries of ""Input! Input!"".

Robots designed to collect and index data actually exist but they are not made of exotic metals, they are software programs and are used by Search Engines to gather information about the relevance of your web site to a particular search term. These Robots ( sometimes called spiders or crawlers ) are smart but not very selective. Unless you provide unambiguous ground rules for visiting Search Engine robots, excluding them from areas you don't want them to enter, then every file on your web site will be perceived as ""Input!"" and is likely to get indexed. ""But"", I hear you ask, ""I want to get indexed by Search Engines, why is this a problem""? Indexing everything sounds superficially smart, however as part of a coherent web site promotion and Search Engine optimization strategy it has a number of important disadvantages. * Search Engine spiders should be actively discouraged from visiting areas where sensitive information might be stored. * Indiscriminately indexing everything can seriously dilute the relevancy of your web sites overall theme and can produce a sub-optimal rank in Search Engine listings. * Allowing a Search Engine spider to index everything can even inadvertently lead to the perception by some of the Search Engine that your web site contains spam, this can lead to your site being blacklisted. * For multilingual web sites it's imperative to focus English language robots onto the relevant English language pages and to direct robots from international Search Engines, who might be looking for Spanish, German or French language resources, to the appropriately localized content areas of your site. * Search Engine robots can only ""read"" text. Dynamic content or graphical components cannot be read or indexed, rendering your site effectively invisible to Search Engines. * Some robots ""rapid fire"" requests causing severe, server loading problems which can detract from your visitors browsing experience and ultimately cause loss of business. The answer to this problem lies in having a Robot exclusion file on your web server. Robot exclusion files, normally in the form of ""robots.txt"" are ASCII text files which reside in the document root directory of web servers and are used to set access permissions and control the actions of robots or spiders. Most of the major US and international Search Engines deploy spiders which look for a robots.txt file during their visit to a web site. There is an agreed industry standard for robots.txt files and, in order to work as anticipated, robots.txt has to be correctly formatted and placed in the proper location on the web server. Once uploaded to your server robots.txt is utilized to notify individual spiders about which elements of a web site cannot be visited and should not be made available on the public Internet. Used in conjunction with Search Engine optimization tools and/or services robots.txt can significantly enhance your sites chances of that all-important first page listing on the major US and international Search Engines by focusing individual spiders on specific content.

Although only a small ASCII text file, robots.txt enables a significant degree of fine tuning to be applied to your Search Engine optimization program. Used intelligently robots.txt can do a big job, significantly improving your knowledge about, and control of, visiting Search Engine robots. This is particularly the case where a web site owner either wishes to deliver specific content optimized for a particular Search Engine, or has paid for an accelerated Search Engine listing service where if would be useful to track the activity of the robot associated with that specific paid-for service.

Just as Robot Number 5 gathered more and more input and transformed this data into useful information, so web site owners can use the data generated by the interaction between robots.txt, visiting spiders and their web logs to gain significant competitive advantage.

About the author: Ken Garner is the CEO of Atlanta based Analyst Software Inc. Visit their web site ( ) for links to outstanding Internet tools, products and services designed to enhance the immediate growth of your on-line enterprise.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

A Short Tutorial on Website Submissions & Linking to your site


Submitting your site to the search engines is a pain, make no mistake. But with a top twenty listing on Webcrawler alone having the capability to bring 50 visitors a day to your pages it's a pain that is worth suffering.

There are a great number of search engines around, but only the top 15 or so really generate serious traffic for most sites. Many of the lesser search engines are 'meta search' types, meaning they actually get their results from the bigger engines anyway.

Of the main engines, there are two categories - Directory based, and Spidered based. The Directory based (which includes Yahoo, Looksmart and the Open Directory Project) are generally added by hand. This means an editor for the chosen category looks at your site and awards it a position (or not) based on how he/she rated it. The Spider index types, (including Lycos, Inktomi and AltaVista) use robot browsers to check and index the sites based on pre-programmed criteria.

In general, to get a good listing in the Directory engines means you must impress the editor with the look, ease of navigation and content of your site. Make sure your first page loads very quickly (empty your browser cache before checking) as this is an important factor. If your 'front' page doesn't open within 10 - 15 seconds you will not get a high placement. If need be, create a simple 'Welcome' page that opens quickly and use it as a front door to your site with the more graphic laden pages with in it.

With Directory engines, if you have midis on your page be sure you include an ""off "" control. You will be penalized if not. Don't over do images or clutter - the editors read hundreds of these sites a day and will be likely to have a lot in the queue behind you. They want to judge your site rather than your taste in art or cartoons and music selections.

Spider based engines are more predictable. Spiders scan your pages looking for your keywords, count the number of times the keyword occurs through out that page, and measure it against the overall length of your text to calculate how relevant your site is to the keyword.

Your keywords need to be set in the keywords meta tag, and should also be included in your description, and to occur AT LEAST once in the first 200 characters of text in your page. For this reason it is wise to not try to target too many keywords on a single page, try to pick simple word-pairs. Make sure you pick phrases or words that you will repeat several times in the actual text of your page and that they describe your site to a viewer not to a robot.

For the same reasons of relevance to keywords, try to stick to one specific topic per page. If you deal with two different topics then you risk the chance of only 50% of the page being deemed relevant to either topic.

Assuming your site is now optimized to be rated by the engines you need to start submitting. There are some tricks to this too. Firstly, submitting to FFA (Free For All) Links pages is a good idea. Most spiders will place your site far more highly if they have found lots of other sites linking to you. Once you submit to any Spidered Search Engine you should add your site to as many FFA pages as you can find, once per day, for about two weeks. You will get a lot of junk mail in response to these submissions - one from each site generally, but most have exactly the same text in them so you can set your mail program to automatically delete them by using filter settings.

The best value listings of all are the Inktomi database. Those used by Yahoo, Hotbot, ICQit and many others, and the ODP (Open Directory Project) which is used by a list of Engines too long to even consider listing. Getting into the ODP database is now the only way to get listed in the AOL net search. AOL use spiders to index sites found in the ODP directory so you can see why it would be so important to be listed.

Top Five Directory Databases (1) Open Directory (2) Snap (3) Yahoo! Web Sites (Inktomi) (4) Yahoo! Directory (5) LookSmart

Normally, you will submit to these directories one time for a given web site. It is extremely important that you submit to them correctly the first time and choose the very best category. Be aware that it's often difficult to get a directory to change your listing later unless you send them a letter of explanation.

Here's where it gets complicated: Submitting to (6) HotBot (an engine) - will get you listed in all Inktomi based engines.

(7) Netscape: Netscape draws its results from Open Directory first. If no matches are found there, then it searches (8) Google. Therefore, we submit to Open Directory (a directory) and Google (an engine) to become listed on Netscape.

(9) AOL Search: AOL will search Open Directory listings first. After those matches are displayed, it will then draw results from Inktomi. Again, we submit to Open Directory using our directory guide, and to HotBot to be fully listed in AOL Search.

(10) Magellan: By submitting to Excite will get you listed here.

(11) Excite will get you listed in Magellan. They pull from each other's database.

(12) MSN: MSN draws results from first, then after that, matches are displayed from (13) AltaVista. Therefore, we submit at (a directory) and to AltaVista to be found in MSN.

Additionally there are very popular Search engines to submit to that can be found on many web sites using search box's.

(14) Infoseek/Go Network (15) Lycos (16) Planet Search (17) WebCrawler (18) What-U-Seek (19) WhatsNu (20) Northern Light I hope the information given will aid you to get your sites placed in the search engines so give some thought to your keywords, check your load times, make sure your site is easy to navigate, and get submitting. To learn more about how Search engines rate sites and other tips I would recommend visiting

---------------------------------------------- Resubmission's are just as important


After all the hard work you've done to submit your site, don't neglect it by hoping you will stay on top - YOU WON'T! You must resubmit your site at a min of every 4 weeks. There are some great programs and sites out there that can submit your site for you so be sure to book mark at least 3 sites if you don't have sumitting software.

I use a calendar here to remind me when I am due to resubmit. But for beginners the easiest thing you can do is, submit on the 1st of every month. Your site will remain fresh in the databases and show it as a current site submission. With the information above you are armed now so you know what sites will give you the best results.

With out question you NEED to get listed in the ODP site - though the evaluator may be your competitor and my not register your site in his section, this may not be the case with other link categories that follow the the same theme. You want to be listed in as MANY categories as you can (what's the worst that can happen? They say no?) So submit to each available listing in the main category.

---------------------------- Linking to other sites ----------------------------- Who should you try to get to link to you? In simple terms, anyone and everyone. In more practical terms however, it depends on the effort and what you have to give up in return. Exchanging a banner ad on your site for a link from a high quality busy site may be extremely valuable for attracting new visitors. The banner may however, redirect your hard sought visitor to the banner site and away from yours.

Banners also tend to clutter a web page, increase the load time and distract your visitors. You can only put up a limited number and then what do you exchange?

When was the last time you cruised a link exchange site looking for somewhere interesting to go? The fact is people look for sites with search engines or by search lists and recommendations at related sites. Link exchanges will produce few if any visitors and if they do they will probably not be prime candidates for your product or service. That is not unless you have a link exchange site yourself.

Not necessarily. There is actually a growing value to having these links to your site. As previously mentioned, many search engines, especially second generation engines, are starting to use site popularity as a way to rank your site. In other words, a site with 100 links to it will rank higher in the search results than a site with only 5 or six. It is consequently important to establish links to your site both for the traffic they can generate directly and for the indirect value of improving your search engine ranking.

Although Link Exchanges may be of value, it is better to put your initial efforts into exchanging links with other related sites. Not only will they generate more visitors, the visitors they do generate will be better qualified. What about competitors? Sometimes competitors attract viewers who may not find exactly what they need. If you allow your competition to also have a link what's the harm? The idea is to attract the viewer. link pages if you have a lot of links and put any Link Exchange banners on your site. Put these at the bottom if you do decide to use them all to often these banners will hang while loading and cause the page itself to hang - most viewers will not wait long so play it safe, and put it at the bottom. This way the viewer can still see your site and then the banner later.

Joining Web Rings related to your topic if one is available or create one if not is another option available to attract viewers. With E commerce now on the rise shoppers want to find the best deals by having all the related competition in one ring it makes it easy to find what and were the best deals are. The key to using rings, is in the registration of the page - you must use the full URL address of the page that will host the banner for that ring. This is especially important if your site uses frames.

About the author: LORDWOLF AND IRC HELP RING Email: Join our help ring for irc at